Friday, June 16, 2006


Forget the calendar. Summer started for me as a child when school ended. I got away from that as a grownup. Now that I have kids in school, we're right back to it. Today was the start of summer vacation.

In honor of that, I went and got my hair highlighted this week. When I spend time in the sun, my hair highlights more red than blond. Unfortunately *cough* so does my SKIN so I try not to spend too much time in the sun even with sunscreen and highlights take a while. So I decided to go the easy route aka foil highlights. *sigh* but I'm so disappointed. It didn't go as red as I wanted, as I told the hair stylist. My dh told me to go back and have it redone. And take a kidlet with me and say, "That color." LOL We'll see. For me, it was a lot of money and a lot of time to do.

I had been bummed because I was stuck with a scene with Nathan and Henri and not feeling like I had done much. But then I looked at how much I had on it and how much I have now. Wow. I am getting somewhere with it *grins*. I had missed my vamps, too!

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
1,851 / 30,000

May the muses have summertime


Blogger Melissa Lopez said...

*Gasp* I agree with the dh! Go get your hair fixed the way you like it! & it shouldn't cost anything if you go back tot he person wthat didn't please you.

^5 on the progress!


11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Make 'em do it right--hell, you paid for it!
Summer is so short. Catch it in your hair. ;-)

9:55 PM  
Blogger Shelley Munro said...

I definitely agree about the hair. If it's not the way it should be, go back :) Heck, I wish it was summer down here in NZ. It's been freezing and very wet. May the muses continue to make your writing flow!

4:10 AM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

Thanks for support on the hair. The biggest thing is that I wanted really red highlights and they aren't really red. The lady who did them and I haven't communcated well in the past. I once told her no layers when she cut it. She did layers. We'll see what I do.

4:42 PM  

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