Monday, July 23, 2007

I have in my hot little hand

Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows. *bites nails* I'm scared to read it. LOL.

So I did read Howl, an anthology by Loose Id. OMG. I loved it.

Jet Mykles has an incredibly hot story, Two for One Deal. It's first person, which can be hit or miss with me, but this was done well. It's mega sexy as well, with a fascinating heroine and two heroes who stand apart as well as together.

My buddy, Raine Weaver was next up with an awesomely hot big bad wolf tale, Wolfe's Gate. The hero, Grayson and the heroine, Scarlett are perfectly matched and intriguing. Raine does sensual so darn well *sigh*.

Jeigh Lynn had the last story, All Hallow's Moon. I liked the mates did have to struggle to come together. Really enjoyed the hero.

One thing I loved about all three--the heroine was so fresh and assertive. Not brash or unlikable but not a shrinking violet either.

Thinking I must find more by these authors...

May the muses have good reads


Blogger Anna said...

I've read this anthology, and I really enjoyed Jet Mykles' story. Her Dark Elves series is also great.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

gotsta get that anthology - thanks for the reminder!!!!

8:35 PM  
Blogger FeyRhi said...

I picked up Howl a whie ago. It's one of my favourites! There is a sequel to her leashed story, well worth the read!

I picked up Harry on the weekend and finally got up the nerve to read it yesterday. I really didn't want the series to end which is why I was putting off starting it. But then I was more afraid that someone would ruin the ending for me and I would end up in jail for murder. I'm not saying any more on it only because I don't want anyone hunting me down. I will say that once I started it I couldn't put it down.

7:49 PM  
Blogger raine said...

You are just the bestest of the best, y'know that?
So glad you liked Howl. ;-)

And enjoy that Harry Potter, lol!

3:13 AM  

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