Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Five

1. Ugh. Summer break has been...odd. Youngest got up on Monday saying her ear hurt. I figured it was swimmers ear but we trekked to the doctor anyway. Not swimmers ear. An ear infection! She hasn't had a cold in weeks. So that was out of no where. Explains her grumpies over last weekend. Then the dog got up Wed and threw up 9 times. Oh joy. I was worried about dehydration and she was looking like she didn't feel so good. So off to the vet she went. She of course stopped throwing up once she went there. They treated her symptoms and sent her home. I'm thinking she ate something but I don't know what. Usually I have a suspicion like the corn cobs she loves to snack on. We haven't had corn on the cob in weeks though. Hubster and oldest had checkups, which were unremarkable, except for the three shots oldest had to get and the fact hubster had to have blood drawn. Which he gloatingly pointed out didn't leave a bruise on him.

Hopefully next week will calm down some.

2. I've mapped out a little about my next story. Have started it briefly. Still need to plot out my dragon story...

3. We are going to Savannah July 9-12 with youngest's Girl Scout troop. Should be very very fun. I'm looking forward to it. Hubster is looking forward to a quiet house LOL.

4. Have stained the bookcase for the Snoopy collection. It's awesome. Now onto the desks and soon, my new kitchen table. Whooo hoooooooooooo! Just have to find the time....

5. Deadliest Catch is breaking my heart. *sniffle* the whole episode on Tuesday was an emotional rollercoaster. I know the outcome for Captain Phil. I feel bad for his boys. Poor Jake A. on the Northwestern. They all seem to be dealing with mortality this season and aging.

May the muses have better days

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Last week of Hide And Seek Contest! For details see the link below:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday More than Five

It's the unofficial start to my summer as the girls get out of school today, which means it's time for the edition of summer plans.

1. Write. I'd like to get a spin off written of the last story I wrote, the geek story.

2. Read. Oldest and I have started discussing books that's she's reading. She's on a dragon kick. I read Dragonsdale and we discussed it. Next up is Dragon Slippers for June. I told her I was going to pick SOME books.

3. Spend time at the library. Youngest needs a push to read and am hoping she'll meet her summer goal so we can have an end of summer celebration. She loves comics and graphic novels. Calvin and Hobbes has become a favorite. Oldest is sneaking into the Teen section more and more.

4. Go to Water Country and Busch Gardens. I'm hoping we spend some time at both parks. Our best friends here have passes so hopefully we can get in a few trips.

5. Volunteer at the SPCA. Oldest is joining animal brigade. She wanted to do it anyway, and her middle school has a community service requirement. I figure I can get in some laundry time with youngest while oldest is doing her thing.

6. Go to Savannah. Hmmm, LOL, that one is on the schedule! Youngest's troop is going and I'm dragging oldest along with me. We go to Juliette Lowe's house, eat at a pirate house, have a trolley tour, a ghost tour, and wade through a marsh. Should be fun. And hubster gets to stay at home by himself LOL.

7. Go to the beach! We all want to do this. Just have to find days off that hubby can take. I'd like to take the girls on a day trip, too.

8. Find fireworks on the 4th. Love the fireworks.

9. Visit with family. Would love to spend some time with my sisters and my mother in law.

10. Learn to use a sewing machine. *shudders* Yes, I need to learn. The girls got one from grandma and they are itching to sew. It would also help when I have patches/badges to sew on their Girl Scout vests. I do so much damage to my fingers with needles hand sewing, I'm a little nervous a needle with a motor behind it.

Bonus: 11: I'd also like to spend time at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Five

1. Have submitted and wait to hear back. Sick feeling has commenced. Now the hard part, the wait. I did hear back on my revisions for the Rogue and they worked so that's good to go.

2. Leave early tomorrow morning to go camping with youngest and her troop. Should be a fun trip, with hikes, outdoor cooking, tents, and a pool. They bridged last Sunday to Junior Girl Scouts. No more Brownies! Oldest bridges tonight. She'll be a Cadette Girl Scout.

3. Oldest got her reading list for 6th. She's mad because there are two books she "has" to read. There's also 5 books where she gets to pick one. I think she likes having the choice but isn't excited about what she has to do. LOL yeah she better get used to "having" to read. I did sign everyone up for the summer reading program at the library. Whoo hooo!

4. We bought some furniture recently and I don't think I'm ever going to get to stain it *sigh*. It's either been busy or there has been a chance of storms. Eventually, these pieces will get poly put on them and stained. I swear it!

5. The new Deadliest Catch made me teary. I know what happens with Phil and he was talking about "Not being around for much longer." Broke my heart. There was footage of him with both of his sons and talking nicely about them. One of the neat things for his sons is there is so much footage of him. I know it doesn't ease the pain of loss but that's such a lucky thing. I'd love to have more video of my mom and dad.

May the muses have video

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Been waiting to announce this

I HEART THAT CITY: Body Shots finaled in the Lories. I'm so so so excited. Came in third place in the Erotica category. I'm celebrating!


Friday, June 04, 2010

Friday Five

1. Sick feeling has already commenced. I have submitted the latest story. Uggh. I hate that feeling. I will be starting the next story soon. I already know what it will be! Hopefully just as fun as the last. And I have this other idea...

2. School is winding down! Only two more weeks from today. I'll probably post my summer hope list either next week or the week after. I'm sure there will be lots on it LOL. There always is. More on the list than there is summer.

3. It's kitten season. If you're wanting a kitty or kitten, now is the perfect time to go to your local shelter and find the purrfect one to adopt.

4. I toured the Central Virginia Food Bank on Thursday. What they do for the community is incredible. Not only do they feed lots who wouldn't eat without them, they collect pet food for needy families with pets and books for their Feed the Mind program. It's incredible to think about people going hungry in this day and age but they do.

5. Am caught up on Deadliest Catch. It's been an interesting season so far with Edgar, the Cornelia Marie's troubles. I think they'll be getting to Captain Phil Harris soon :>(. I'm glad he got back on the boat one last time. He's been so alive this season, hard to believe.

May the muses have 4 stars from RT (did I mention this?? *Grins*)

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Guess what?

Surge received 4 stars from RT!!!

Gail Gail Pruszkowski said, "This sixth Blood Lines story of good vs. evil can be read on its own, but you’ll enjoy it more if you’ve read the others. The characters are well done with lots of chemistry between them and the plot takes some interesting twists and turns."


May the muses have stars