Thursday, May 19, 2005

*does a snoopy dance*

I am doing quite a bit of bouncing.

At RT, I pitched to an editor, and they asked to see the full manuscript, which I e-mailed off last week.

On Tuesday, I received a letter stating an interest in contracting e-book rights to "Blood Kiss" and also got the contract. Today, I sent it off.

This is such a wonderful opportunity. I never expected it, figured I had a while yet to beat the bushes.

I have forms to fill out on cover art!!! To give them information for designing the cover. I have an editor who's been assigned to me. I'm so excited!! And nervous and terrified and happy.

I did have to laugh. Good things are always tempered for me. The day I got the contract, I was walking around in a jubilant daze, going, "I am author, hear me roar!" I got a critique back on another work, full of red and blue. And got back a synopsis for said other work, saying "it needs work." LOL great way to come down off writer's cloud nine.

I have to take this chance and run with it. I figure I only get one shot at this. So I'm plunging into not just being a writer...but being an author head first. I'm sure the water is deep, but with the support of a number of good friends, I'm sure I can keep my head above water.

May your muses be kind and have chocolate


Blogger FD said...

Again, congrats on getting the contracted! :D

7:10 PM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

Thank you! *g* I'm still dancing!

11:03 AM  

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