Tuesday, June 28, 2005

At the YMCA

No, I'm not one of the Village People. However, I was looking at my schedule for July. With swim lessons, we will be at the Y at least four days out of every week. They already know us there. LOL boy are they REALLY going to know us.

I have Sins of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon. *snoopy dances* I'm excited about this one. Ended up at two bookstores looking for the free Darkhunter booklets that were released to certain bookstores with Sins. I salute Barnes and Noble, who had them. I'll let you know what I think though with Miss Sherrilyn, it's almost a certain bet I'll like it.

Speaking of Sherrilyn Kenyon, there is an article with her in July's RWR (the publication of the RWA). OMG she can write so prolifically. She's written as much as a 100 pages in a day. I'm such a slow writer so that puts me in even more awe of her than I was already. Here's her web site, if by some chance you aren't familiar with her: www.sherrilynkenyon.com.

Remember a few weeks ago, I raved about a book and an author, I'd just read, Lori Armstrong and her novel, "Blood Ties." Mary Stella has done a wonderful interview with her in her blog. http://starfabu.bravejournal.com/ I'm looking so forward to her second book!

May the bookstores have Dark-Hunter books


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read my first Dark Hunter book recently. Loved it. Can't IMAGINE writing 100 pages in a day.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I have written that many in one day. However, I highly doubt they were of AG's calibur. But IF I ever get pub'd, she is so in my dedication page. She inspired me by giving me somewhere to play, to cut my teeth. Love the AG! And Michele? I finished my copy and OMG OMG OMG.. no spoilers but OMG! AAAAAUGH! When is the next one? It ends with me going sniffles.. and GET THAT BOOKLET, THERE IS SOME GOOD STUFF IN THERE!

10:05 PM  
Blogger Mary Stella said...

Even Sherrilyn said that 100 pages in a day tends to burn her out for the next few days afterward. Still, I'm in awe of her 100-150 pages a WEEK goals. Often, I shoot for 20 pages a week which is about what I can handle comfortably with also working a full-time job apart from writing. I've done more under deadline, however.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Well, is it 100 pages double spaced or single spaced *blinks* ROFLMAO! I sounded like a high schooler didn't I?
No, seriously if it is single, I say we mount an expedition to her house to steal her muse. With that much muscle, there is enough of it to go around for all of us, and if it looks like Ash well, then, ME FIRST DANGIT! *grins*

4:41 PM  
Blogger Melissa Lopez said...

I think Sherri is amazing! 100-150 a day would burn me out fora month!

On a very good day i can write 20 pages but they are far between with kids, parents, class *grin* LIFE. If I'm home, I do try to write something each day, or edit, critque, or reasearch.

:-) Mel

12:34 PM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

Just the fact Sherri can do it...blows me away. I cannot imagine doing 100 pages a day. Course I've not been under a strict deadline yet either LOL.

I'm very much in awe. I'm not the quickest writer in the world. I found something on a book in a week. I'm going to apply some of that to try and work a little better. We'll see.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Jaynie said...

Wow - 100 pages. I struggle to make 100 word some days.

...and she is such a great writer too. I read my first Dark Hunter and had to immediately order the rest of the series. It's not often I do that.

10:40 PM  

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