Friday, July 22, 2005

A hodgepodge

I was going to write on a single topic but too much is floating around the brain today.


Was supposed to go see the siblings today. But the youngest kidlet is sick and the older one is acting suspiciously. Summer cold. *sigh* Very disappointed I couldn't go play with my sisters.

Naked dolls

What is it with little girls and naked dolls? The first thing they do when they get a Barbie is strip the clothes off. This morning the girls were playing Barbie. And the youngest one's Barbies are all naked. So are her Strawberry Shortcakes.

I used to do the same thing. My Barbie had wigs so she never had hair either.

It is so disconcerting to see a naked Barbie. I'm sure even fashion models look at them and look down at themselves and go "That's just plain wrong."

I think I read somewhere that you have a 1 in a 1000000 chance of meeting someone who looked like Barbie and a 1 in 50 chance of meeting someone who looked like Ken.

They now make Barbies with painted on swimsuits/underwear. I guess some parents didn't like the completely naked Barbie. In ways, that looks even odder.

I'm going to change my name

Why, when you are sitting two feet away from the kidlet, have been talking to them, do they puncuate everything with "Mom?" I must hear the Mom title over a 100 times a day. Especially when I'm sitting right there with them, not everything needs the Mom tag.

I remember when they first started talking and how excited I was when they first said it. I still get excited some days. But not when it's the 10th sentence started with "Mom" in the last two minutes.

The naked tickler

LOL I was reading Yahoo news and saw this headline and went "Wha?" You have to wonder about a man who sneaks into people's houses to tickle their feet while they are asleep. While naked.


Here where I live we have a local grocery store chain. They are the bomb. From their bakery to the prepared food, everything is just wonderful. I sit here eating my yummy chicken salad from them and am having Ukrop's warm fuzzies.

Workshop at Divas

Jess Michaels has been doing a workshop on things to do after writing the book. Lots of great information and advice. in the Forums sections. Registration is free.

It's a great place to get lost in *grins*. LOL especially when procrastinating.

The newsletter is out

The second issue of my newsletter is out. I have had a lot of fun doing them. Has been a great way to get to know other authors too. Raine Weaver was my first victim, interviewed her in the first issue. This issue interviewed Alyssa Brooks, had an excerpt from Jeanne Barrack, and did a review of Christy's Ghost by Sable Grey.


I wrote around 9 pages. *blinks* but not on Conduit, the work in progress. Wrote three on one project and six on another. I'm at 85 pages on Conduit still, hope to get more written today on it. Yes, the goal of 100 pages is Sunday. I still have hopes I can get there.

I did have to skip a small scene in Conduit. Usually my character lead me pretty well, even with things I'm not always that accustomed to. But they abandoned me on this one. I knew what needed to happen before it. Knew what had to happen after it. But I needed two characters to get really snarky with each other. I wrote, deleted, a half dozen times. Nothing flowed well. I finally skipped it and went on and that has moved me forward nicely. Heh heh, it's a great moment, after that scene. I'm glad I went ahead with writing on it instead of waiting to get that scene perfect before I moved on.

May the muses have air conditioning


Blogger Melissa Lopez said...

(((((((((((((Mechele)))))))))))))))))) I hope the girls feel better soon. I know summer colds are a pain.

I'm glad you wrote around your block! :-) Mels

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay on the writing!

My daughter's Barbies are always naked too... I DO NOT want to psychoanalyze this.........

5:47 PM  
Blogger Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Sorry about the colds! Yep, my daughter strips her dolls over and over, and Mommy must redress, over and over, just so she gets to do it again...

Yep, Mom is every other word in this house too! =D

6:49 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I am telling you! It is the GI Joe that is makin them Barbies get nekkie! Sheesh.. like furlow that stuff is!! *grins* I had my Barbie's naked all the time, Morgan did too, she had her own and mine as well. She inherited my dolls (snort) Colds are icky, especially in the summer. I worked on my WIP and have done 6 pages. I am also procrastinating, and just all and all blah! But I am updating my blog and commenting on all yall's muah! kissies!

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea what it is with nekkid Barbie. Barbie has an outfit for every occastion, but the girlies prefer the buff!

9:01 PM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

((((melissa)))))) ty.

Writing around the block kept me going forward. Hopefully, I'll be able to go back and write it soon.

LOL Suzanne, neither do I.

Kelly, I hate the Mom every other word. I swear, I'm sitting RIGHT THERE. LOL one of them did it to the DH today with "Daddy."

Jenn, LOL we don't have GI Joe. But Prince Dominic (from the Princes and the Pauper a la Barbie) is around. He was naked in the pool last night. This disturbed the DH. Yay! on six pages!

Thanks Lauren. Hmmm maybe not just a girl's thing.

Kendra, I know what you mean. We have tons of little outfits. Strawberry Shortcake ones too. But they like being nekkie. LOL

11:55 PM  
Blogger Jaynie said...

Yes we have naked barbies - and normally the legs have been pulled off too *g*

1:37 AM  

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