Thursday, November 03, 2005

So who all is recovering

from post Halloween candy? Uggh. We went to a bunch of houses and got a boatload of candy.

If you are still looking for Halloween fun check out Romance Junkies Halloween Newsletter:

*cough cough* there happens to be an article in it by yours truly. There's a lot of other fun stuff to look around at and some contests going on too.

The article I wrote is on vampires...LOL yeah, I know, surprise surprise. When I first started writing Blood Kiss I decided I needed to know the legends. I had to know the rules and that of course led to me breaking them *wicked grin*. Had a lot of fun writing the article and was so excited that Romance Junkies chose to include it.

May the muses have garlic (maybe bad breath could work)


Blogger Brenda Bryce said...

Sigh, Mechele. Haven't you figured out yet that you are supposed to read everyone else's ideas on vampires, study it in detail, know all the ins and outs...

And chuck it all out the window and make up your own world???

2:05 AM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

LOL Brenda that's what I did.

Thank you so much Lauren! I'm so excited.

7:07 PM  

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