All kinds of rambling

So last week sucked. A lot of things caused this, but they have set me behind on things like shopping, wrapping, writing, and *cough* blogging.
But...I do have news to announce that I haven't yet here. Guess what?
Loose Id has contracted Crimson's Rose and *ta da* I have the cover. It's GORGEOUS. Scott Carpenter is the bomb. I'll post it I hope. (Yes, I have at least two more books coming out next year with Loose Id. *snoopy dances like a maniac*).
I can't wait to see Conduit's cover. *G*
I also now have a series name BLOOD LINES. So Blood Kiss is now Blood Lines: Blood Kiss, Conduit will be Blood Lines: Conduit, and Crimson's Rose will be Blood Lines: Crimson's Rose. I'm so excited about having a series!
My Smooch is still up at Ecataromance and up for Favorite Smooch of November. Whoo hooo I have eight votes. LOL I was worried about not getting any so I'm excited. Check it out and vote if you like it. Voting is here:
I got a new review from Enchanted in Romance for Blood Kiss. Angel had this to say, "If you want to read a story that is going to send chills down your spine, then Blood Kiss is for you. Mechele Armstrong definitely included the thrills when she wrote this story of emotion gone awry and madness that needs to be stopped. Nick is definitely a man that knows what he wants, and Sarah really has no chance once he sets his sites on her. I give Blood Kiss two thumbs up for being a story that you can “sink your teeth” into." *grins* the review is posted here:
Fourteen other authors and I have formed a group, called Night Whispers. Lots of news will be coming up with that. It's been a lot of fun already.
And...*cough* expect news of my other writing cowritten alterego soon. I don't usually cross post...but this I'm going to be singing to the rafters!
May the muses have good days to offset the bad
Sorry about the sucky week... This one better so far? I hope so.
I have to say again that the CR cover is very pretty.
Oh, I love that cover, Mechele! Very cool, indeed. It must be an amazing thing to see an actual cover for a story that YOU wrote. I know I'd be freaking out. Thanks for sharing all your great news - I'm so excited for you!
Gorgeous cover, Mechele!
Sorry the week was sucky ((hugs)) If it all went great we wouldn't feel as ecstatic when things went great *g* congrats on everything else! All this snoopy dancing for you is getting my legs into great shape!
Congrats! Really NICe cover!
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