Thursday, July 27, 2006

A tale of two cats

Well, not exactly yet.

The kidlets want another cat. When we adopted the first, our intention had been to adopt two, but we didn't find another one to be interested in. But yesterday, at a pet store that displays a local shelter's cat, they fell in love with the kitty behind the glass.

So those of you with multiple kitties? How do they get along? How did you introduce them?

I'm not sure what we are going to do yet. The DH and I are still talking. I'm nervous as to how the first cat will react to a new kitty, but also like the idea of a playmate for her (LOL she probably doesn't care). I also realize this definitely means no large dogs and may even mean *gulps* no dogs at all. Though I'm thinking a small one might be possible one day *blinks at the hubby*. Considering I still look for Sheba at times, I know I'm just not ready now for a dog.

I like having the first cat, she's a sweetie. The kids are saying the first one is so much fun, the second one will be double the fun. Yeah, they're good.

Ha ha! I'm finished Magical Chances. It came in at a whopping 35,018 words. Well, not really whopping but I was orginally aiming for 30 LOL so it's big. I expect it to grow a little bit as I go through and edit it. Now on to some Melany things and Nathan and Henri. Henri says, "about time."

May the muses have endings


Blogger Mary Stella said...

I second what Jory said. Cats and dogs CAN Co-exist without a problem.

As far as introducing a second cat into the home, the shelter will probably agree that if the personalities don't mesh, you can return the second cat.

Bring the second kitty in and observe the two of them together for a couple of days. If it doesn't work it out, the cats will be much happier if the second kitten goes to live with someone else. (So will you!)

9:35 AM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

Sorry I wasn't clear. I do know dogs and kitties can coexist. For us, the problem is lack of space. I don't want to crowd too many critters alongside people into our little house. I could have an outside doggie but I loved having Sheba inside, so I probably wouldn't happy with that. Plus, my DH isn't an animal person, so I don't want to push him any more than I can.

I ran into a greyhound at the pet store last night. *sigh* my dream is to one day rescue one. The dh, who knows my dream, saw my eyes go slack with "ohhhhh." LOL. I think greyhounds are so neat. Beautiful animals and from what I've read on their personalities and them. That did however put another crimp in the mix. They are big dogs and again, we have a small house for them and kitties.

Jory, it did help. Kitty 1 is almost 3, very dominant and self assured. The prospective kitty is 9 mths, says can be shy, and is playful.

Mary, I don't want to make either kitty (or us) miserable so that's my biggest concern. If they absolutely cannot live in peace, I need to know is there an out. I hate the thought of getting a pet and having to return it, but my first loyalty is to kitty 1 and the household.

We still don't know what we are doing. I think we are going to try and spend some time with kitty 2 tomorrow and talk to the shelter folks. I'll keep you updated.

9:47 AM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

Oh, by the way, I know greyhounds can be non kitty friendly. It depends on the individual you get. And I know it's a dream of "one day" anways.

10:16 AM  

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