Sunday, September 17, 2006

Review Time & catch up

I always love getting to the end of my stories but they take over me in some ways. I had to clean house today because I did very little around the house as I let the muse take me.

So several things have happened, that I *gasp* didn't post about yet.

The first is that the next installment of The Knight in A Cowboy Hat has been been posted on my website in the Goodies section. I've had so much fun with Keith and Tessa. One more and I think I'm bidding them adieu for a while at least.

Reviews and reader reactions have started coming in for Dinah's Dark Desire.

Two Lips Reviews gave it 5 lips! Frost said this, "Dinah’s Dark Desire is just about as hot as a hungering reader could ask for. Mechele Armstrong practically turns the reader inside out from the first sentence, and leaves her begging for more. Do NOT miss out on this one, which has appeal for almost all readers. The characterization is deep, the plot line is intriguing, and the sensuality is volcanic. Run out and get this one-immediately! It’s a rereader for certain."

JERR gave it four stars! Suni Farrar said, "Dinah’s Dark Desire was a fast paced and exciting story. Dinah was not the usual type of heroine that I enjoy reading about, but I liked her all the same." She went on to say about Dinah, "As the novel progressed she grew stronger and stronger. I had to honor her growth." It's always nice when you have a character who develops over the story and someone sees it *grins*.

And Feyrhi made my day when she devoted a whole blog post to Dinah. *snoopy dances* she liked it!

I also happened upon a blog by Lora Leigh that mentions Dinah. As a fan of Ms. Leigh, I'm just giddy that she liked Dinah's Dark Desire. *snoopy dances more*

May the muses have good reader reactions


Blogger Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

You have been BUSY! Haven't read 'Dinah' yet *hangs head* but it sounds fantastic. *grin*

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now THOSE are AWESOME reviews!
Congratulations, hon!!

("Clean house"?? What's that?!)

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the marvelous reviews, doll!

4:51 PM  
Blogger Jenna Leigh said...

Go COOKIE!! (hands her a chocy cookie) Double dipped and full of chips.

11:09 PM  

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