Sunday, October 15, 2006

Another jet plane--really soon

I mentioned that in New York City, Mel and Mari double teamed me about something. We all met through another Sherrilyn Kenyon's loops, and Sherri is having a big conference in New Orleans next weekend. I wasn't going because it was so close to my trip to Jersey.

I came to realize in talking, this was probably the only opportunity I'd have to meet a lot of the people I correspond with online. So I bit the bullet and decided to go.

Yesterday, some sad news came down that a lady I'd talked to through Sherri's loops passed away. I never got to meet her. Something I will always wish that I could have. She was wonderfully supportive of my writing career, a truly nice person, and she made me smile oodles.

I am so glad I'm going to meet all the others who I sometimes talk to daily. I'm going to meet my webmistress face to face for the first time! How very cool is that. Plus, I get to see Mel & Mari again.

And I know that a glass and a toast will be raised to a truly special friend who couldn't be there.

May the muses have fans


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