Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Sometimes you read a book, and it makes you want to be a better writer. And by that desire, it does make you a better writer.

I've been lucky to read two such books recently. I blogged about On Hallowed Ground by Lori Armstrong. The second book is Dirty by Megan Hart.

This book blew me away. It's not suspense or paranormal. Yet, I played "The one more chapter" game last night for hours. Slacked off of writing this afternoon (don't tell my editor!) to read and finish it.

This book is raw. The emotion. The wording. It turned me inside out to read it. Elle turned me inside out. She's a beautiful heroine, flawed, fragile, yet with a strength that I could touch. She was tangible. I didn't agree with her decisions, would yell at her in my head "Don't" but she was so real to me, everything she did make sense. I understood her, and while the hero isn't as well defined as Elle is, he's likable to root for.

*blows out a breath* This book stripped me bare. It really did. I came close to tears a few times.

I had suggested Dirty for a book club I'm a member of. I'm going to be curious to see what everyone else thought. I'm so glad I did suggest it, though, I don't think this book will be everyone's cup of tea.

May the muses become better


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