Monday, August 27, 2007

The Grand Tour

Monday is the 9th Stop on the Tour. Some of our fellow travellers have missed a few stops. Check the Tour Guide below and see what you may have left out!

If you missed any stops of the Grand Tour, you can join us by checking out Jeanne's blog and following the stops along the way. Remember, you must answer the questions at all of the NINE stops correctly to be entered in the Prize Drawing!

Here's the itinerary for the Grand Tour:

> Sunday STOP #1 "The Collector 5: The Crystal Flacon" by Jeanne Barrack: link: - Italy

> Monday STOP#2 "The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You" by Ally Brown: link: - Mississippi Gulf Coast

> Tuesday STOP #3 "The Collcetor 9: The Lost Temple of Karttikeya" by Laura Baumbach: link: - The sights, sounds and lure of India

>Wednesday STOP #4 "The Collector 1: Magical Chances" by Mechele Armstrong: link: - Richmond, VA

> Thursday STOP #5 "The Collector 7: This Time Forever" by Lucynda Storey: link: - The pirate haven of New Providence in the Caribbean

> Friday STOP #6 "The Collector 6: Love Cure" by Kai Andersen: link: - the Philippines

> Saturday STOP #7 "The Collector 3: Cauldron" by A J Matthews: link: - Ireland

> Sunday STOP #8 "The Collector 2: Grave Heart" by Emily Veinglory: link: - Vancouver

> Monday STOP #9 "The Collector 8: The Onyx Palace" by Diane Charles Linford & Jade Rivers: link: - we travel from the US to Brazil & Eastern Europe

Answer the question at each place you visit on the Grand Tour to be entered into the GRAND PRIZE drawing!

Send each of your answers to: collectors.contest @ (no spaces)
by Midnight August 31st to be placed in a drawing to win a collection of *souvenirs* from gift certificates to downloads of books!

(each stop will be available until August 31st for a return trip if you missed the connections)

The Collector Series - A journey to magic and romance

Read about all the Collector authors at


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