13 things Mechele loves about the Holidays
1. The music: I have XM radio so there are several stations to choose from. Trans Siberian Orchestra ROCKS. Love their music. Like a lot of the traditional stuff. And also enjoy the parodies. LOL there are more Twelve days of Christmas parodies than I’d ever imagined. I’ve only heard Snoopy’s Christmas once though *sigh* I’m a fan of Christmas carols and have been singing/humming them for a week now.
2. The lights: I love Christmas lights. My favorite thing as a child and still, is to sit in front of the tree and watch the lights blink off and on.
3. The tree: I love to decorate the Christmas tree. It never turns out the same way it did last year and each year is the best year yet. I love all the ornaments that are sentimental. I have so many the kids have made. Plus collectibles that are meaningful like Our first Christmas and the baby’s first Christmas ornaments. I have two extras of the baby ornaments to seed my girls’ first tree of their own. I also have Snoopy ornaments, Rudolph ornaments, some stained glass ones that the hubby and I made very early in our marriage, and there’s an old Star Trek shuttle that can talk when plugged into a light.
4. My Christmas village: I have a bunch of houses that I set on top of the entertainment center. There’s a whole little town of small ones. A gingerbread trio. A reindeer barn. A gorgeous humongous church and an Italian restaurant. This year I put down white draping so it looks like there is snow.
5. My Christmas Snoopys: I started collecting them one a year, years ago. I get the stuffed ones with the Whitman candy boxes. I have a bunch now. They are soooo cute. I have a couple of Woodstocks as well.
6. Decking the halls. At Halloween, the kids asked about the stuff inside. They said not many will see it. I said, “But we will. We do it for ourselves.” I do a lot of decorating that I doubt anyone notices at Christmas. It’s for me. We have a ceramic lighthouse on our mantel. I always deck it out. I think almost every room in the house has a little piece of Christmas. I’m letting the girls put up stuff in their room. For them.
7. Getting Christmas cards: I love the pretty pictures or humorous scenes. I love getting notes from people and catching up on their lives.
8. Buying presents for people: I don’t like the crowds or actually going to shop. But I love to find that perfect gift.
9. My inflatable Snoopy: Yes, this out in our yard right now. If it ever breaks, I will cry. I love my Snoopy.

10. Holiday specials: I love the classic holiday specials! Peanuts is a given LOL. I also love The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.” Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! Frosty! Santa Claus is Coming to Town. One of my favorites is A Muppet Family Christmas. I have it taped from ages ago but my tape is breaking down. The current released versions don’t contain all the songs *sigh*. One of the neatest things is that Jim Henson appears at the end. Not to mention the Christmas story is a wonderful read. I also love nativities and pageants and choirs. It’s a fun time to go see things.
11. Holiday giving and cheer. Granted there are some grinches, but a lot neat things happen at the holidays. We’ve adopted an Angel this year and I’m really tickled by how excited my kids are about it. They want to help pick out things. I remember one year a radio station person found out about this family. The son had a birth defect and was undergoing several operations. The family had lots of money problems. So the station did a drive for them. The response was tremendous. The family was shocked. They hadn’t sought help, it had come out offhand.
12. The food. Uggh a bad time to be on a diet. Ham and turkey and traditional fair. Cookies and candy. My youngest has discovered egg nog. She’s in heaven. Told me yesterday, “Uh we’re getting low on eggnog.” Gingerbread coffee creamers. Holiday coffees from Starbucks. Yummmmmm.
13. It was right around Christmas that I saw a certain gentleman at a friend’s house. I remember the day so well! And he called to ask me out on the week after Christmas. Our fist date was on New Year’s Eve. We were married on New Year’s Eve. It’s been way long since we met and went on our first date. And we’ll have been married for 15 years this year.
I love your list, Mechele
I love everything about the holidays. I love giving presents, decorating, baking, making things, watching xmas movies with the kids.
Congrats on your upcoming anniversary ;)
T.S.O. is the BEST!! Every year they perform at the Air Canada Centre and one of these years I'm actually going to make it there LOL
Sounds like fun, Michele. I love Snoopy's Christmas. It's my favorite but I haven't heard it this year so far.
aw - love that list - and LOVE Snoopys *sigh*
Thanks Michelle for commenting. It's a great time of year, isn't it?
:) right back at you.
feyrhi, aren't they great? I want to go see them too!
Shelly, I finally heard it again yesterday. I love it. Thanks for stopping by.
Thank Lyn! Snoopy rocks.
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