Sunday, April 27, 2008

RT--The Saga continues


Got up and went to breakfast. The hotel had given us coupons so that made the buffet in my price range LOL. We were lucky to get seats and get food.

Went to Club RT to hang out and had a fabulous time talking to people. Also, saw people entering my giveaway! LOL that was neat, and I’m easily amused.

Went to a few workshops. The one on Second Life was fascinating. I’m intrigued by this virtual world but worried I’ll get too sucked in. We’ll see where I go. They did mention Loose Id, my publisher has a site in Second Life, which I knew, but they had a screen shot so I got to see the store front.

Lunch was Mexican and a show at the Lighting and Thunder Luncheon. Was rather dramatic as it was a hanging scene.

I went to Club RT again to sit, had a pitch to an editor (it went well *G*), and then attended a multicultural workshop. Interesting talk was had about creating characters who are believable. LA Banks is a phenomenal speaker I must say.

We went to the Evenings Temptation Mixer with Mary Janice Davidson, Michelle Bardsley, and Dakota Cassidy. OMG LOL. We had totes that we could get signed. MJ crossed out the other two’s names for the woman in front of me. Said, “I’ll behave” for mine. And then insulted Michelle and Dakota on the next two bags for Melissa and Mari. LOL it was funny. Dakota and Michelle naturally responded in kind. It definitely mixed things up.

Next, was the Fairy Ball. I wore wings. Ummm, I didn’t realize with wings…they stick out. Had a lot of adjusting to do so I wasn’t whacking people and things. LOL they gave out different desserts at dinner. Ask Melissa about banana cake. She and I got the giggles and they decided we should no longer be seated next to each other LOL.

I left the Fairy Ball to change for the speakeasy being done by Christine Feehan. Now, I had signed up for the Texas Hold “Em tournament. I was nervous as I’ve just really learned how to play. LOL I wanted not to be the first one out. And I wasn’t! it came down to Lainey, from Coffee Time Romance, and I. I lost but had a great great time playing poker. Yes, Lainey, we will have to play online sometime.

I didn’t get back to the room until almost 2. Both roomies were sacked out already.


Getting up is hard to do, especially when you’ve been up til 2. I dragged myself out of bed though. Went to the Elloras Cave Author brunch. It was fabulous I must say. I enjoyed management talking and I also got an Elloras Cave bag (with lots of pockets) and a Melany Logen star! Whoo hooo.

Made it to the Kensington spotlight. Can I just say I can listen to Kate Duffy talk anytime, anywhere? She’s such a great speaker. I definitely got ideas for paranormal suspense (Tigress Euphrates. It could become a novel….)

Went to the RT Awards luncheon. Better desserts LOL. Was really neat seeing some of the authors getting awards. One woman, who I can’t remember, had lost her husband while writing the book so was very tearful.

I went to Club Rt thinking I needed to draw my winner. I didn’t. They did it for me and handled contacting her and everything. I hope you enjoy it, Barbara! I was very impressed with Club RT. The staff was fantastic and on the ball. I had fun in there during my designated times, too.

I was running on empty so I went to the room and laid down. Napped just long enough to feel better but not too long to feel sluggish.

Mari, Melissa, and I then had a video interview. It was rather cool. Sam came with us for moral support along with another friend, Stacey, who we’ve hung with a couple of times before. I’ll post up when the interview airs on RT’s website.

We then went and dressed for the vampire ball. Pam wore a leather duster and real fangs. She looked cool, I must say. Due to the crowd, Melissa, Pam and I sat at one table and Mari and Sam at another. The skit was a little long at the vampire ball but afterward, the Impalers came on and played. Lots of 80’s covers including, da da da…Pour some sugar on me. *G*

I think I collapsed into bed after the vampire ball…

Next up the book fair...


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