Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Five

1. The new story is plodding along. I can't write fast enough to satisfy myself. Or my noisy characters. The first chapter is done, and I like the direction it's going in.

2. March is Women's History Month. I'm going to have to do some posts on women and well, history. So many women are just utterly fascinating from Amelia Earhart to Madame Curie. I'm also encouraging (read making) my girls earn a Girl Scout patch on Women in History to celebrate the month. We'll see how that goes.

3. On Saturday, my youngest and hubby will be going to their first father/daughter dance together. It shoud be fun. They have to dress up like favorite storybook characters. LOL I'd tell you who but I think my hubby might kill me *G*. Let's just say the youngest gets to be a cat, her favorite animal.

4. I find myself singing "Long Black Train" by Josh Turner. I love his voice *sigh*. I also heard the new John Rich song, "Shutting down Detroit." :( Sad but it's spot on. "Already Gone" by Sugarland is another fave right now. And "Gotta Be Somebody" by Nickelback.

5. I'm really starting to look forward to RT. It always motivates me to want that fabled more. It's fun and I get to meet readers and writers. I get to be a fan and also have a couple of my own (which just makes me sqeal). I'm going to be seeing several friends there and hope to make a few new ones. My editor will be there, along with several other of her authors that I talk to via email a lot. I can't wait!

May the muses have Fridays

PS it's snowing again here! Not supposed to amount to anything and only sticking on the grass. LOL it was 80 plus at the beginning of the week.

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