Friday, March 05, 2010

Friday Five

Funny Pictures of Cats With Captions

1. This is my view some mornings. Looks just like Diva Kitty. In the cold weather, she's taken to sleeping in our bed.

2. Writing has gone pretty well this week. I hope to find some time to write over the weekend. We'll see. Have cookie booths and going to hang with my sisters tomorrow night. Have a sock hop tonight.

3. Let's see this month: Working 4 cookie booths, taking a tour of the SPCA with 11 Brownies, working at the SPCA, 15 page questionnaire for tent camp training, 3 hour prep meeting for tent camp training, Passionate Ink online board meeting, 2 night three day tent camp training, working to finalize exhibitors for a spring carnival, judging six entries in a contest, writing, and all the odds and ends I normally do. *blinks* Just a lil busy.

4. We are waiting on some news. And it's been put off once due to the snow, now it's been put off again. It's one of those, can't really move on until you know type things. *siiiiiighhhhh*

5. Not sure what I'm going to do when the snow piles are all gone. They've become a part of the landscape.

May the muses have snow


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