Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday Five

1. *drum roll* Settler's Mine: The Rogue is DONE. The writing is finished. Need to go through and proof and send that puppy in! It's been a long hard road of a story. I'm happy with the book, just not how long it took me to write.

Ideas are coming swiftly in on what I want to do next...

2. Spring Break has been this week. We've gone to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid (great movie), played at the park. cleaned litter from a park, gone to grandma's (twice), had an Easter Egg Hunt, gotten a plane stuck in the tree at grandma's, watched grandma and youngest go up in a front end loader to get said plane, gone to the Richmond Metro Zoo (awesome trip but hot), gone shopping, gone over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and nosed around, played in the Chesapeake Bay, cleaned, gone to my sister's, hubby and I had a date night, watched two movies on said date night, finished a book, roasted marshmallows, played, had lunch with my aunt, will have a playdate with friends, and who knows what else. It's been a good one.

3. I watched Twilight with the hubby. I've tried to read the book. The youngest has expressed interest in the movies so wanted to see them first. I'm just never going to be a Twilight fan. I don't get the appeal. *shrugs* I know the fans love them, I just cannot get into them. Tried twice, failed twice.

4. Have to love the kids. Last night we were debating what to watch on Netflix. Oldest wanted to watch Liberty's Kids (a cartoon about the Revolutionary War) and youngest wanted to watch parts of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

5. RT is in 2.5 weeks!! OMG so not ready. LOL will have lots of fun but have done very little to get ready for it. I'm excited. Lori Armstrong and Karen Rose are going to be there. Two of my favorite authors.

May the muses have more time to prepare


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