Friday, September 06, 2013

Friday Five

Don't faint. I know it's been a while! We will see if I can get back in regular schedule of blogging. I  hope to get back to writing more heavily today. Some days are better than others and I bet some weeks will be better than others.

1. How does a short week become a long week? When you have two kidlets starting back to school. It's been a hectic one and I'm glad it's over. Not that I get to sleep in but at least we don't have to be anywhere on Saturday.

2. Been reading Joe Hill. He's definitely an up and comer in my estimation. I'm hoping he has a long successful career like his father.

3. Can't wait for Castle! The Walking Dead! Big Bang Theory! Doctor Who Christmas special! Lots to look forward to this year.

4. And of course fall is my favorite season. The pumpkin blitz has started already. I'm loving it! I bought pumpkin coffee grounds. Now to find pumpkin lattes! Heaven!

5. Now if I can write my story as quickly as I wrote this...Life will be good!!

Bonus: Joe Hill is Stephen King's son. In case you were wondering!



Blogger Unknown said...

Yay, Mechelle! Maybe you'll inspire me to post more than my Wednesday Quotes! We are hoping we have a Halloween in my area... Last 2 years have been cancelled due to storms.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

LOL, we will see how much I post. And hope you get a Halloween this year!

3:01 PM  

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