Saturday, November 23, 2013

Where I've been

So hubster went out of town for 2 weeks. Which left me in charge. LOL. And the only parent in the house. A daunting prospect.  And there's always family stuff going on these days with my girls and with other family.

I had proofing edits on Winter's Dare and Winter's Dare released. I also received first and second round edits on A Walk on the Wild Side of Wicked.

And most of the reason I haven't been posting?

Winters Risk was intended to be 30K. It's just a little over 45K without me going back through. I know I will be adding to one scene upon revision before I turn it in. I'm about to start revising so will be hiding again.

Winter's Source, the story I'll say up front I don't know if Loose Id will take, we'll just have to see as it's about Devyn and Carl has been edited by me and I added 5 K to the story.

So that's where I've been.



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