Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday five

1. I do not like strep. It took out youngest who missed 3 days of school.

2. Oldest now has a bad cold and is home with me today.

3. It's been HOT. In the 90's already and it's only May. I just love summer in Richmond.

4. I blogged at Loose Ends on not having a blog topic.

5. I'm not going to make it 4 months until the next Castle. However, I did see a Torchwood preview. Yowza! It looks good. I really didn't like where Torchwood ended so glad to see it returning. I adore Capt. Jack.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday five

The quick edition.

1. Hoping to finish Dragon's Lair today. Am close. Is looking like it will be 30 K.

2. Plan to start the next Dragon story on Monday.

3. Still thinking on Young Adult book.

4. Read books by Laurie Halse Anderson and Margaret Peterson Haddix. Loved the Anderson boooks. Haddix were good reads, too.

5. Everyone involved with Castle's Knockout episode should get an Emmy. It was well written, well acted, well directed. It blew me away.

May the muses be blown away

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Mix

1. I'm almost done with Dragon's Lair. I know where it's going. It's probably going to be around 30 K. I'm plotting out (in my head) the next one.

2. I think I want to write a Young Adult...

3. Been reading Laurie Halse Anderson. Read Wintergirls, Speak, and Twisted. Really enjoyed Speak though it's a little disconcerting how realistic I think it is.

4. Oldest watched the pilot of Firefly. She really liked it. Need to get her to watch more.

5. So ready for Castle tonight!

May the muses have books

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Contest and a blog!

Tabby's Nocturnal Nights is celebrating an anniversary with prizes that end at midnight Central time!! Several signed books!

I blogged at TRS Blue:


Friday, May 06, 2011

Friday Five

1. I'm quite a bit over half way done with the first dragon story. I'm enjoying it and already starting to figure out the next story.

2. Hopefully will have some good news to share soon. Waiting on some officialness.

3. Firefly has been coming on the Science channel and Serenity was on Sy-Fy the other day. I'm having major fits to watch the whole series. The oldest just turned 12 and I'm it time for an introduction? I think she can handle most of the parts but she rarely watches TV without youngest and I know youngest isn't ready for Reavers.

4. Heh, yes, really enjoying Castle. Hubby and I agree...Nathan Fillion can say more with a look than most actors can with words. Loved the one Monday night.

5. Need something to read. *G*

May the muses have Firefly