Friday, December 31, 2010

Just wanted to say

Happy New Year! May 2011 be a wonderful one.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A lot of good news!

Not long after I hit send about my RT blog, there was a sound at the door. It was the delivery man dropping off my author copies of…The Alphas, which contains the Settler’s Mine stories, The Wolf and the Man. Lookee! It’s up on Amazon. *snoopy dances*

I also sent back my edits about the same time and my editor congratulated me on my CAPA award nomination. *blinks* naturally I had to head over to TRS to find out what that was about. Another Dream, Another Reality was nominated for a 2010 TRS CAPA in contemporary erotic romance! *more snoopy dances*


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Just wanted to say

Happy Holidays from my house to yours!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It is all geek to me...

I blogged at RT's blog and got a 4 star online review!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blogging around the Christmas tree

At SEx about the release of Geek Love:

At TRS about the holiday spirit:

May the muses have blogs
Mechele Armstrong

Monday, December 13, 2010

Who let the geek out?

Liquid Silver did! Geek Love is live!

When Joel goes to a science fiction/gaming convention, he never expects to meet the woman of his dreams. But when he finds out a gaming buddy he’s never met is there, that’s exactly what happens.

Sam got tried of being a woman in the gaming communities, so she adopted a male persona to play--only now she has to make that lie up to her best friend Joel, who she’s spent many a night chatting with online. She doesn’t think anything that happens onscreen could be real but things sure heat up when she meets the man she considers a buddy.

Amidst science fiction regulars and popular shows and movie fans, Sam and Joel try to get to know each other beyond their gaming names and have a wild night together.

When another online woman sets her sights on Joel and is willing to do anything to get him, Sam is caught in the crossfire. Will she ever be able to reconcile herself to geek love becoming real?


Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Five

Santa has come early...

1. The good: My Moonlight story was accepted by Loose Id! I'm so excited. It's entitled "Be My Moon." Look for more details as they become available.

2. The Pretty!

I love my cover! Geek Love will release next week! Whoo hooo.

3. The blurb for Geek Love:

When Joel goes to a science fiction/gaming convention, he never expects to meet the woman of his dreams. But when he finds out a gaming buddy he’s never met is there, that’s exactly what happens.

Sam got tried of being a woman in the gaming communities, so she adopted a male persona to play--only now she has to make that lie up to her best friend Joel, who she’s spent many a night chatting with online. She doesn’t think anything that happens onscreen could be real but things sure heat up when she meets the man she considers a buddy.

Amidst science fiction regulars and popular shows and movie fans, Sam and Joel try to get to know each other beyond their gaming names and have a wild night together.
When another online woman sets her sights on Joel and is willing to do anything to get him, Sam is caught in the crossfire. Will she ever be able to reconcile herself to geek love becoming real

4. The Fantastic:

The Settler's Mine novellas, The Wolf and the Man are being packaged together in print! Yes, print. I will let you know when it goes live. I'm thrilled. Here's a cover.

5. It's been a crazy week around here. Seems to be a theme. Do heed this warning. It's easy at the holidays to let down your guard about things that critters shouldn't have. Be extra cautious. There's a lot more stuff around that they shouldn't eat.

May the muses have pretties


Friday, December 03, 2010

Friday Five

1. I've been a bad bad blogger. My birthday and also Thanksgiving threw me for a loop. Sorry about that.

2. I has a happy. When I can share...I will.

3. I has another happy. Geek Love is gearing up for a Dec 13th release! I'm thrilled. I have a pretty I'll share next week... Yes, my world is full of happiness.

4. Except for the sickness. Colds have been running amuck. So did a science project for the oldest. It kicked up and down over Thanksgiving but we won! Got it done.

5. The inside halls are decked. Am working on the outside now. I can't wait to get inflatable Snoopy up.

May the muses have Friday Fives