Friday, March 30, 2007

What a way to end a week

I started off listening to Yoda on the first day of the work week. I ended it playing "Feeding Frenzy" with one pent up sick five year old, who couldn't sit still.

Needless to say I have a lot of writing to do this weekend. I'm so close to the end, I can taste it! Uh, yeah, it's going to be slightly over 60K. LOL I know there will be additions as I go through and edit.

May the muses have time to write

Monday, March 26, 2007

Do or not do. There is no try

So today my oldest stayed home from school with a cold.

I was working on a love scene in Settler's Mine: The Rivals and hearing "The Empire Strikes Back" blaring in the other room was quite distracting.

I mentioned this to a friend (who will remain namless *G*), who threw out a number of phrases that Yoda...could umm say during sexual activity. LOL, which of course made me giggle.

I'll never be able to hear this line again, without doing lots of laughing. "Size matters not ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not."

Course Yoda has great advice for writers in the title of this post.

I'm almost finished with the scene. *sigh* and still more to go. I'm eager to finish so that I can go back and revise the middle of the story. There are parts that need shaping, I know it, but really want to finish before I dive back in. *cough* I think it's going to be a little over 60K. Not much. Just a smidgen.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
57,269 / 60,000

May the muses have Jedi Masters

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dear Balt

I'm writing as fast as I can. And remember there is a plot, which must be resolved. Don't say "plot smot." It needs to be. There will be some sex, I promise. But three sex scenes?

*ticks off on fingers what's planned and blinks*

Well, can't promise you are involved in them all...

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
54,586 / 60,000
May the muses have pushy characters

Monday, March 19, 2007

To the author

I realize you think you know best and all.

But, you need to write at least three more sex scenes. All with me in them. And, as you are over 50 K into a book you thought would be 60 K, that will finish it. And with a bang. Cause who wouldn't want more sex. With me.


Settler's Mine: The Rivals

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
50,506 / 60,000

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day and a special wish

Or, as the youngest terms it, Happy Leprechaun's Day. She lost a tooth yesterday and wanted the Tooth Fairy and the Leprechaun to meet up.

Also, to my good friend Mari of Marissa Alwin, happy birthday!!

May the muses have the gold at the end of the rainbow

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I feel pretty...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Back from EPICon

I went, I froze, I learned, and I laughed.

EPICon was in Virginia Beach this year so I had to attend. I think it was Mary Jo Putney who once said writer's conferences are where you have a bunch of introverts pretending to be extroverts. In my case, oh yes, that's so true! I'm rather shy in real life.

The highlights:

First, Sherrilyn Kenyon was the keynote speaker. Awesome, very inspiring speech. I thanked her for "giving me a kick in the pants, which I really needed" It had a lot of great points about never giving up. It's easy in this business to get discouraged. Sometimes you need to get a reality check from someone who has been there. Yes, there will pork in the trees by morning. And I will say her pep talk tomorrow as I begin to write each day.

I also got to see some other Sherri fans and friends, which was nice. Laurie and PS, who I knew from the boards at Dark-Hunter (had met Laurie before). Also, Kim, who I knew her name from being around Sherri's worlds (need to find her penname which was mentioned and I promptly lost *sigh*).

Jeff Strand was the EPPIE banquet host. My sides hurt from laughing so hard.

I had several people, I really really wanted to meet, and I think I caught them all and more.

I had found out Willa Okati was going and got excited as I've read a few of her books. *G* grabbed her outside an elevator and babbled. One day I will do the "I've read you and loved it" thing a little more sauvely.

I met Angie of Nice Mommy/Evil Editor blog fame (Hi Angie!). I read her blog a lot. When I found out she was going (by reading...her blog), I said, "Oh oh! I want to meet her." And as I was making coffee in the lobby (see above with I froze--it was cold), I looked across to see the name tag and went to introduce myself. Thankfully, she didn't think I was a stalker, LOL only an author who readers her blog so we had a nice chat.

Got to see Treva Harte again. Spent some time with Emily Veinglory, Lucynda Storey, and Laura Baumbach, all folks who have written for Loose Id and for the Collector series. It was neat putting faces with the online names. Also got to meet Margaret Riley, owner of Changeling Press. Put all of them, plus Willa and myself in the same room, and had some rather neat discussions.

Hung out a lot with Shara Lanel (from Loose Id, and we are in the same RWA chapter) and Sapphire Phelan (who I'd not met before but we're in the same RWA chapter, too). Had fun talking to them both.

I was going to list all the people I met, but then's a LONG list. Plus, I'd forget someone and have to do addendums. I had so much meeting people!! I was glancing at name tags a lot of the conference.

I also did manage to attend some classes and learn some things. I feel all inspired and ready to buckle down on writing (see my own editor saying "thank you's" LOL.).

Congrats to all the EPPIE winners!

May the muses have conferences at beaches

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A hodgepodge--on writing, life, reviews

Life has been kicking my patootie lately. But, things are looking up. I'm going to EPICon this weekend (come hell or high water). Should be fun and hopefully inspiring.

The dog has finally left the kitchen occasionally. She's slowly settling in. The cat seems to be adjusting to the pooch, though, it's pretty evident, the cat can approach the dog whenever she likes, but heaven forbid the dog approach diva kitty.

Writing is going pretty well. The Rivals has progressed to 40 K. I'm now in that lovely state of "Oh, my goodness I have about 20 K left" worrying about the story going that far, while alternately going, "Oh, my goodness, I only have 20 K left, and there's still this and this and this..."

Edit just went back on Blood Lines: Currents. Very happy about that.

I have a pretty to share on Blood Lines: Night's Journey, that I will post as soon as I can. Because it's gorgeous.

Have gotten a host of good reviews that I just gotta share:

Frost from Two Lips Reviews gave Solstice Spell 5 lips, saying, "Solstice Spell is an endearing romantic paranormal tale with an intriguing new twist. It combines elements of magic and shape-shifting with fascinating characters" and "Mechele Armstrong pens another winner in Solstice Spell." Hee heee!

Tara Renee from Two Lips Reviews gave me a surprise review for an older book. She reviewed Dinah's Dark Desire and gave it five lips! She thrilled me by saying, "Dinah’s Dark Desire inspired me to read any work by Mechele Armstrong I could find. She has a talent for writing powerful emotions and wonderful characters."

Candy of Ecataromance gave Solstice Spell 4 1/2 stars. She also reviewed Dinah's Christmas Desire and gave it 5 stars. She said, "Mechele Armstrong returns to the characters she introduced in the story Dinah’s Dark Desire. This short story is filled with sex scenes hot enough to sizzle. Ian’s surprise Christmas presents are a naughty delight that every reader will appreciate. This is a delicious story. I was sorry to reach the last page of this book. I wanted more!" Had to do a dance on both of those reviews.

The latest issue of RT magazine features The Collector 1: Magical Chances in both an ad and for review. *grins* 4 stars!! Faith V. Smith said, "Armstrong puts together an impressive bunch of characters. There's a magician who really does magic, a kick-butt heroine with a heart of gold and a mysterious collector who sets events into play in this hot, suspenseful novel." Yep, when it hits stands there will be a shortage where I live.

Loose Id has had big news. Romance Writer's of America (RWA) recognized them. It's a pretty impressive step for them and the authors who are or will be members of RWA who write for them. They also have expanded to four releases a week and are planning a new print release every month.

That's all I can think of for right now...

May the muses have RT shortages

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Collector's Contest

Check out the Contest information at and answer the questions listed there to be entered in a drawing to win:Prizes include:

Scarves and massage oils offered by Mechele Armstrong (The Collector: Magical Chances)

A miniature perfume flacon offered by Jeanne Barrack (The Collector: The Crystal Flacon)

Handmade beadwork earrings offered by A.J. Matthews (The Collector: Cauldron)

A pair of sterling silver octopus earrings offered Ally Blue (The Collector: Eight Arms to Hold You)

"Pirate Booty" offered by Lucynda Storey (The Collector: This Time Forever)

Original music playlist soundtrack offered by Diane Charles Linford (The Collector: The Onyx Palace (working title)

And much more!!!

Mail your answers to by March 31st

The Collector series - a journey to magic and romance
published by

Friday, March 02, 2007

Happy Birthday

Dr. Seuss!!

For a long time when my daughter was in preschool, I'd tell her every morning, "Kid, you'll move mountains" which is a line from "Oh, the places you'll go." I love that one and "The Cat in the hat," "The Cat in the hat comes back," "One fish two fish red fish blue fish." Boy, what a way he had with words. LOL. I love the nonsense words he created.

So *tips a cat in the hat hat* to you, Dr. Seuss.

May the muse have places to go