Monday, June 30, 2008


Oh, how they drive me nuts.

I believe the Dr. Who second parter has already aired and we taped...I'm dying to see part two of the Library episode. The man who wrote this two parter also wrote the Blink episode, one of the creepiest stories EVER. I've had dreams about it.

And I will be sitting in front of my TV tomorrow night to see what happens on Deadliest Catch with Phil, the ailing crab boat captain. They've been teasing me all week with short commercials...

May the muses have desperate times

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Yes, I know it's Thursday

The Thursday Thirteen will return eventually. But not today.

I will share three things I've learned.

1. Stomach flus SUCK. Especially the lingering ones.

2. A now 7 year old (as of today!) can bounce off the walls just from sheer happiness.

3. Summer can be fun.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Looking back

Because my stack of magazines and promo stuff was threatening collapse and I decided if I was going to be in this biz for the long haul (*grins* I am), I needed to start an album for stuff like reviews, covers, promo goodies, conferences, etc. It's going to take me a long while to finish what I've already collected.

I did a page for the first three Blood Lines, Blood Kiss, Conduit, and Crimson's Rose. It's really neat looking back, reading older reviews, especially as Bitter Love gears up for release.

May the muses look back

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wanna see?

Friday, June 20, 2008

The land of edits

I'm up to my neck in edits for Blood Lines 5: Bitter Love and Law's Deliverance. See you on the flip side.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chat tonight

Chat is tonight at M-Spot with pals, Melissa Lopez and Mari from Marissa Alwin. 9 EST. We have a lot of fun talking so come join the party!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


That's the sound of me fainting.

Because two little kidlets cleaned the mess up that they made in their room yesterday before 8 and without an act of yelling by their mother.

And the youngest kidlet requested cut up celery and cucumber for breakfast. This from the child who's taken to being devious and sneaking candy.

It's going to be an interesting day.

May the muses have clean rooms

Monday, June 16, 2008

On the first day of Summer Vacation

The youngest kidlet got up at a little after 5. Why yes, that's earlier than we get up during the school year, where the last week, I had to drag them, prying their fingers, from the bed. The oldest got up at 6:30.

As I stayed up until after midnight last night working on edits...I think I'm going to need a nap LOL. We have first line edits on Law's Deliverance. Whoo hooo. I also realized I'm probably going to get edits on Bitter Love soon. I have the preliminary copy of Bitter Love's cover *grins* that I'll share when I can.

All good things must come to an end. I was eliminated in the TRS Divas contest. I'm disappointed because it was a LOT of fun. Congrats to the contestants still competing. Voting on Round 5 opens today.

Not sure if I posted this or not but the last time Diva Kitty went to the vet for clipping her nails, they suggested sedation. Yes, Diva Kitty wants what she wants when she wants it and woe to you who tries to do what she doesn't want. They gave me sedation medicine and said we could try it ourselves if we wanted. (ETA: though the sedation medicine might have done us some good, I meant we could try trimming the cat's nails ourselves. LOL and thanks to Treva Harte who caught that and cracked me up with her reply.)

Next time, I'm waiting two hours. I wasn't sure when the medicine would kick in. We tried too early and got hissy, spitty kitty. Did manage to get her nails trimmed. But after a couple of hours, she was pretty much drunk LOL. Couldn't walk a straight line. And kept following me around.

I'm off to work on edits and nurse my poor sunburned back.

May the muses have editors

Friday, June 13, 2008

The unofficial start of summer

the kidlets are out of school. Yesterday was the 3rd and 4th grade awards assembly, which was why no Thursday Thirteen.

Today, we went to a friend's pool for the afternoon.

LOL now life gets very interesting...

I'm still writing backward. They lied and said it was more scene that turned into two. I hope to finish that up over the weekend.

Tomorrow, I'll be chatting at Joyfully Reviewed's Yahoo loop. I don't think I'll be popping in until about 4 PM EST. But plenty of Loose Id authors will be keeping you busy.

May the muses have pools

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tell me once, tell me twice

Allie Boniface was so nice. To do an interview with me.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blogging at the Hussies and other updates

I blogged over at the Hussies blog on being men. Thanks so much to them for letting me take over!

It's really disconcerting when you look at the temperature for Wednesday and say, "Oh wow! It's only going to be 90!" Kind of sad really. Three weeks ago, 90 was hot. It's been over 90 for a week. We've hit 100 the last three days. Today is going to be close to 100 or right at it. Not to mention, it's been humid.

Voting has opened in the TRS Diva Contest for Round 4. Go vote for your favorite.

Writing has slowed down but I hope to get some done this week if it kills me. I'm almost done with the writing backwards LOL. So can move forward after one more scene.

May the muses have heroes

Monday, June 09, 2008

Blogging and Divas

I blogged today over at Ladies of the Club on Internet rules for authors. Go add to the list.

Voting will go live sometime today for Round 4 in the Romance Studio's Diva contest. It's anonymous excerpts. Go read and vote for your favorite.

May the muses think before they hit send

Sunday, June 08, 2008

It's hot...

Pooh said to no one in particular.

Funny the lines you remember from kid's books.

The temperature outside says 100. Not heat index. Not humidity. Actual temperature. And it's only June.

Days until the end of school 4.5. Amount I'm panicking about all I have to do, oh about 150%.

May the muses have air conditioning

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

13 things on my summer wish list by Mechele

1. Write. I have to finish Dark Raiders and start the next Settler’s Mine. I’m behind *sigh* due to the cold.

2. Go to the library at least biweekly. My oldest loves to read and is reading several serieses. I’m hoping in the next year, my youngest will make the leap to chapter books. She’s going to be reading to me and picking her own books.

3. Spend time with grandma. I’m hoping we see lots of her this summer.

4. Go to Busch Gardens several times. The kids love it, and it’s pretty much going to be our vacation this year.

5. Spend lots of time at the pool. Let’s see, gymnastics practice is 12:30 to 2:30 two days a week. Why yes, that’s the hottest part of the day. LOL I see pool visits on those two days and I’m thinking at least one more during the week. The youngest has also said, “You know I could practice in my bathing suit instead of a leo…”

6. Spend time with my sisters. I went to Tennessee with them and had a ball even in the short time we were there.

7. Go to the Richmond Zoo. We didn’t last summer  so I definitely want to try this summer. You can feed the giraffes!

8. Go to Maymont. We love walking around and looking at the animals.

9. Write. Did I mention this one already?

10. Find fireworks on the 4th. We did last year, which was fun.

11. Have picnics. We have a great park system. All the more reason to do picnics.

12. Survive the critter camp the girls are doing at the local SPCA without adopting a new pet LOL.

13. Eat lots of watermelon.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I do live

That's about all I can say right now. I have a cold. It's kicking my butt.

I had a whirlwind trip to Tennessee with both sisters to see my niece. We drove two days and visted one day. I hope next trip to stay longer LOL.

The end of school is coming with blinding speed. I know once I have two kidlets at writing will be coming first before blogging. I have so much work to do. I'll post here as I can. Dark Raiders is going well at least. I'm still writing backwards, which is odd but working.

May the muses have work to do