Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Week in review
Blood Lines 5: Bitter Love released! I've gotten some good feedback on it already. Which makes me happy.
My newsletter was released (a day late in honor of Bitter Love). I posted at Loose Ends. I participated in a Loose Id chat at the Romance Room.
I wrote 6 K. Still know where I'm going and see the end. Probably...*thinks* less than 15 K to go. Holy wow, didn't realize that.
The above is good because the next Settler's Mine is chomping at the bit.
The girls have reached their goal of 30 books read for the summer and I told them if they reach 50, we'll do something really special.
I read Marley and Me. Awesome book about life with the world's worst dog. I laughed and yeah, I cried when I got to the end.
Watched In Her Shoes today with friends. I enjoyed very much. Laughed and cried with that, too. Going to try and find the book.
Next week marks a week where our best friends here are out of town. It will be the first time in months we haven't seen them once if not multiple times a week. I'm not sure we will survive. Especially the oldest.
May the muses have friends
Friday, July 25, 2008
Reasons I have not written anything yet today
2. I did laundry earlier. It vibrates my desk. It was hard to concentrate with the desk shaking, though I tried. *Aiyayayayayayayaya*
3. Spongebob Square Pants isn't condusive when it's being blared from the other room. *sigh* are there only like four episodes of that show? Or am I lucky enough to hear the same ones over and over again?
4. I had to get some cleaning done. I gave up, went to do that. Yes, focusing on writing means the house...ummm gets cluttered. Eventually it needs attention and today's the day.
5. Then, the girls descended on me before their friends arrived to play "on the computer." *sigh* then I became computer guru, sorting out their computer issues.
I'm off to try writing. I'm thinking I need earplugs...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bitter Love is out!

I'm so excited!
Blood Lines: Bitter Love released overnight last night!
Amaretto is out for a night on the town, a little dinner, a little dancing, maybe a little getting lucky...until he gets a stake in the back. Good thing he really is a vampire.
After getting knocked out by his prey, the would-be vampire hunter, Leif comes to...tied up and at the sexy vampire's mercy. His wannabe slayer days are over. Now he's got no choice but to team up with Amaretto and catch the rogue vampire terrorizing his city.
Soon, their nights are spent pursuing the killer and building sexual tension between them. Leif can't be attracted to a vampire, can he? The sex is hot and there's definitely something there, but Amaretto's not into forevers. Still, he's never been so tempted to try something long term as he is with Leif. When Leif takes off and gets himself into trouble with the killer, who's all too human, it's up to Amaretto to figure out how to save him and whether he can find a love that's never bitter, only sweet.
May the muses have vampires
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The week in review
2. Crit partners got DR. *bites nails* One thing I like that I'm doing may not be liked by everyone... And lord help them, it's a mess and I know it. Shy and Melissa big *muahs* to you.
3. Girls Scouts is still taking over the house. And my life eeeeek. My youngest is joining a troop made up of girls from an existing troop so we are trying to earn the badges that they earned last year so she won't feel left out. It takes time.
4. I know where DR is going. Big relief. I hope it works out like that in my mind.
5. Proofing edits are back to the editor for Bitter Love which releases...next week (hopefully)!
6. Line edits are back to the editor on Law's Deliverance!
7. Oldest was at drama camp this week. She loved every minute of it. Did a peformance on Friday.
8. At said drama camp they did raffles. One was Camp Rock, one was Shrek, one was Hannah Montana. The proceeds to benefit a good cause. WE WON THE HANNAH MONTANA RAFFLE! I'm still in shock. We don't usually win things. It had a big stuffed white cat, HM notebooks, pens, folders, and a backpack. LOL The kids are ecstatic.
9. Been reading a book on animal rescue, post-Katrina. Amazing stories. I really hope one thing we learned from Katrina is that asking people to evacuate without their pets isn't productive. People died because they had no way out, shelters wouldn't take the pets, and they wouldn't leave them behind. *looks at diva kitty and neurotic dog*
May the muses have raffles
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Chat tonight
Monday, July 14, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
The week in review
2. It looks like Girl Scouts ransacked our house. Both girls just joined troops so their stuff is all over. I was a Girl Scout for 11 years, more years ago than I care to remember. LOL. I'm happy with this turn of events.
3. Diva Kitty is still deathly afraid of storms. We've had many.
4. The Library episode of Dr. Who rocked! I finally watched the second part.
5. Deadliest Catch's Phil Harris is going through some heartbreaking stuff. But it cracks me up when he sneaks out to smoke, because that was my dad.
6. I'm not sure I know where Dark Raiders is going. I have written a synopsis but something doesn't feel right. It will be interesting to work out.
7. I watched several episodes of Walking with Dinosaurs by the BBC. I rented the DVD from the library. I love dinosaurs *G*. My favorite so far is the one on the Diplodocus.
8. I'm a major geek. We have a 10 gallon tank that right now houses one old fish. The others have gone onto better places. The tank isn't in the best place to be a fish tank because it's in direct light and algae builds up. So I'm debating what to do with it next. I had thought about a turtle because I love turtles. So I researched. Yes, geeky me got a book from the library. And the tank isn't big enough. So I thought about frogs. But most of those you have to feed live food to. I'm not sure I can do that. There is one that is aquatic that doesn't take live food. But it's aquatic, which would make the tank have the same problem as the fish tank. I've debated a salt water tank as well. Have a book on hold at the library on that. I've also thought about hermit crabs. LOL we shall see.
next week, the oldest has drama camp and I have the youngest without her playmate for all five days. So posting maybe sparse again. But here's hoping to another great week of writing.
May the muses have life to live
Monday, July 07, 2008
Hanging out my shingle
The kidlets have a camp through Thursday in the mornings so my focus this week will be...writing. Can we say...written 4 K already this week? *dances*
See you on the flipside.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
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2. Nancy Drew. She’s read all the ones at her old school library. And is excited about going to a different school in the fall to see what they have. 3. The Hardy Boys 4. Boxcar Children. 5. The Three Investigators 6. Encyclopedia Brown 7. Trixie Belden. Yes, you are seeing a trend here with the mysteries LOL. 8. American Girl Mysteries. She’s just starting this one. Got two books today. 9. Fairy Realms 10. Secrets of Droon. The series that started her off on chapter books. Thanks Mari. She’s read all the ones released but when the next one comes out, I know she’ll want to read it. Even if she can in like two seconds *sigh*. 11. Avalon 12. Harry Potter. Yes, she’s read them all. She rereads them, especially when we are out of “fresh” books. And she’s looking so forward to the movie in November. She and her best friend are already plotting to go together. 13. The Black Stallion. Technically she hasn’t started this one yet. But she wants to. She’s lost my copy of the first one *sigh* and wants to start there. |
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