Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wintery Ick

Is falling around here. I'm hoping they are right and the temperatures rise tonight and tomorrow. If it's not going to snow...I don't want it! LOL.

I'm currently battling a cold, mostly a cough, which makes the cold weather even more fun to deal with. The hubby has asked me a few times if I need new lungs. The oldest seems to have the cold, but both of them are doing better than last week. Someone suggested we take Vitamin D. I'm thinking we'll try it!

I'm about 21 K into Settler's Mine: The Man and expect it to top out at 30-35 K. We'll see. I'd love to finish it by next week. We'll see on that, too.

May the muses have updates

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Posted at Loose Ends

Had some good news. Go share your good news.


PS I thig I hab a code. The hubby is now terrified of what he's coming down with.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Come amuse me :)

The weekend kept on giving. Strep throat in one kidlet. Stomach flu in the other. I'm expecting the kids to switch places LOL and then the adults get into the fun any time now.

However, tonight is the monthly M-Spot chat at 9 EST with Mari of Marissa Alwin and Melissa Lopez (Mel of Melany Logen and Rissa of Marissa Alwin). I hope to be there.

May the muses have chats


Sunday, January 18, 2009

The good, the bad, no ugly

Whew. I'm catching my breath.

The Bad:

Uncle's funeral home stuff and the funeral.

The hotel at MarsCon lost my reservation :(. They were full and the other Con hotel was a few blocks away. As we were late in the weekend anyway, we decided to just go home after my author reading. As we came to the hotel straight from the funeral...a real capper to a crappy week.

The cold. It's been icy around here. I like cold but a balmy 13 degree walk to the bus stop on Friday wasn't fun. However, though it's cold for here, it's not as cold as in the Midwest. I read my bud, Melissa Lopez, is dealing with frozen pipes.

The Good:

What I did get to attend at MarsCon was very fun. I hope to go back next year and attend more. Under the circumstances, it couldn't be helped but I was really disappointed I had to miss Friday and most of Saturday.

Luna-C did all the Harry Potter books in 45 minutes. I loved it.

The hubby and I hung out with Pamela Kinney/Sapphire Phelan, her hubby, their friend, Mark (book trailer creator extraordinaire), Stephanie Burke (aka Flashy Cat) and her hubby.

Did the Social Media panel with Helen Madden, Stephanie, Pam, Beth Wylde, and Kat Lively. Was interesting to talk about all the forms and how to use them.

Saw Coyote Run play and wound up buying a CD. Their Celtic tunes were really good. And the wealth of instruments they play was impressive!

Did my author reading from Settler's Mine: The Rivals. That went very well. Pam, Stephanie, and Beth each read from their works as well. Kat read from a Leigh Ellwood (I think) story. And Helen stole the show with her humorous short story about a Merman.

The drive home was late but uneventful. Now, we are debating whether or not, we'll see snow LOL.

Here's to the start of a new week. Hopefully I will accomplish some productive writing this week.


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Friday, January 16, 2009

I think this speaks for itself...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not a good start to the year

:( My uncle passed away. My thoughts are with his(my) entire family right now, especially his wife of 55 years and children.

His services will be affecting my attendance at MarsCon. Right now. I know I'll be doing the Social Media panel and my author reading...but will be missing the two other panels I was supposed to be on. I'll be arriving Saturday, probably not there at all on Friday.

I'm really sad and also disappointed. Not a good combo.

My writing has been in the toilet this week from not being home and just the general "blahs."

To amuse myself, I've been reading LOL cats, listening to James at War's Halo 3 and listening to Jonathon Coulton.

May the muses have better days

Friday, January 09, 2009

Bad news, good news, and more news

I'm keeping Robin Schone in my prayers. Dear Author reported she'd had a major heart attack and was in the hospital :( The comments have a report of her doing a little better. Her and her whole family are in my thoughts and prayers.

I'm also keep my uncle in my thoughts and prayers. I just found out he's in the hospital and it sounds very serious. :(

First round edits just went back on I Heart NY: Body Shots. Did anyone see the current Romantic Times Magazine? There's a Loose Id ad that mentions the series *Grins*.

Speaking of Loose Id, they have a newly redesigned website. Check it out. They're still tweaking it.

Little squee moment. Cheyenne McCray featured me on her blog as part of her spotlight on Faery Court Members.

Writing continues on the new Settler's Mine. Still not sure how long it's going to be. I'm thinking novella...but we will see.

The cats are both on the same cat stand. Diva Kitty is on top and Spaz kitty is on the bottom sleeping. I had to take a picture. Diva Kitty glared at me as if to say, "Don't. I still hate him." LOL.

May the muses have inspiration

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Monday, January 05, 2009


As LOL Cats would say, "I haz it."

Everyone went back to their own schedule today.

I've been stalled writingwise. I think the holidays and the *cough* several rejections I got before Christmas have a lot to do with that. I'm slowly trying to get back on track. I know I just need to roll with the punches. I'm trying. I figure it just wasn't meant to be and there is another plan. There's always another plan.

This time, I think my writing has a song or least a singer to go with it. For some reason, Tom Petty has been on my mind. Something about the music speaks to Colton, especially, "I won't back down" and "You don't know how it feels". It suits him. I don't usually have "mood" music so will be interesting to see how that goes. I can only think of about one other time this has happened.

I posted at the TRS Faery Court Forums today.

May the muses have mood music

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Friday, January 02, 2009

Miscellaneous Blogging

I blogged at Georgia's Crossroads Cafe on New Year's Resolutions. Head on over and tell me what you think of them.

I Blogged at TRS on The Wolf.

I blogged at Book Worm bags on my lack of a post and my lack of knowledge about what promotion works.

I blogged at Melany Logen about some good news we received (hint: It involves the CAPAS).

I blogged at Loose Ends about my Christmas Addiction and what I think it's all about Charlie...uh, wrong line.

On Monday, I will be posting in the TRS Faery Court Forums, posting an excerpt of Law's Deliverance on the TRS Loops, and I'll be featured on Cheyenne McCray's blog (more info on that later).

May the muses have a lot of blogs

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