"25 Blogs in 25 days...the TORTURED tour!"
(TORTURED, erotic medieval, Harlequin Spice, Aug.'09-Amanda McIntyre)
My thanks to Mechele for graciously having me come for a visit to her blog! Mechele , you see , aside from being a gifted author, happens to be a sister fae. So if you are making plans to attend the Romantic Times BookReviews convention next April 28-May 2,in Columbus, Ohio (not so thinly veiled plug;) be sure to come see us at the Faery Ball!
I note that unlike my blog, Mechele keeps hers rather tidy and organized. I’d hate to see her office. Okay, perhaps a touch of envy, because I’m forever and a day attempting that near impossible feat. I am a victim of post-it notes. There it is out. I do feel a little bit better. Is it so wrong to stand at an Office Depot ™ and drool over the array of post it not doo-dads? Their purpose? To help you organize your life, of course! Am I validated? So it takes me the greater part of an hour to decided between rectangle or heart shaped post it notes. So what if my manuscripts are colored coded, marking the scenes to revisit before I send it in. And never mind, how utterly HGTV my PC looks with an overlapping colored flags of quick daily reminders framing the screen? I’ve even started buying the recycled variety, doubling up addiction with being eco-friendly.
There are worse things I could do. And I probably will in a book eventually- to someone fraught of my imagination who just happens to look like the woman in the check out lane who gives me one of those looks like, “Woman are you running on all gears?” She need only take a second look at my cart overflowing with the tropical colored pads, notes, page markers, index tabs, highlighting pens and don’t forget the magnetic grocery list notepad (which unfortunately doesn’t stick to stainless steel, so I’ve since discovered) and see I’m just like her—trying to make some sense to the chaos of my life.
Ok, post it notes withstanding, lucky for me, I happen to like chaos, as long as it’s my families own special brand. Four children, (one set 16 yr old twins—yeah I saw that wince) but they are all great young people that I adored when they were babies, but surprisingly, really find fascinating and quite likeable as young adults. They and my husband keep me going here in the little Dream Factory/Post-it note heaven, with their encouragement and support. I’ve only to say those three little words, “I’m on deadline.” And they seem to settle into the mode of battle to get mom through, taking orders with ease as I shoot my hand into the air with another message from headquarters (yeah I like to dream, did I mention that?) “need more toilet paper in the bathroom, do your laundry, need to change light bulb in stove…please close the door, you guys are breathing way too loud this morning!” Delivered on my brand new “lined” 3.5x4 post-it notepad, suited I’m sure for the mother/writer.
How, you might ask is this blog is related to my new erotic medieval romance, TORTURED? I’ve no idea. But sometimes you go where the muse leads. As she did when I found an obscure bit of history that talked about how few female executioners there were in medieval times. Few, yes, but knowing the honor of executioner was a male dominated and generational role, one has to wonder what circumstances allowed a woman to even be considered. So, my Celtic heroine, Sierra was born and so too, her story of that’s been called, “a disturbingly touching tale of hope, love and survival.” I hope you’ll check it out at your local bookstore (let those business’s know that America still loves to read!) and let me know what you think.
To win a signed copy of TORTURED, I’ll choose one name from those who leave a comment here at Mechele's blog! Thanks Mechele, see you in April!
Next stop:
http://www.CoffeetimeRomance.com/CoffeeThoughts -- August 10
Amanda McIntyre
http://www.amandamcintyre.net/PS big thanks to Amanda for doing this!
Labels: 25 blogs in 25 days, Amanda McIntyre; Tortured