So yesterday afternoon, the kids were running around like banshees, making it hard to focus on writing. So I fell back on an old standby to get me motivated to write even with the din.
You find the most wonderful stuff when you Google yourself. Yes, *sigh* I’m still amazed that when I type in Mechele Armstrong…stuff on me comes up! I don’t do it often much anymore because I’m trying to write heavily, getting several projects going.
From Alyssa’s blog of May 3rd, things that interested her in June’s RT magazine:
page 70: I've read Bloodlines: Conduit by Mechele Armstrong and liked it. hee, that made me smile. And yes, I’m still looking at the ad LOL.
RT did review Blood Lines 2: Conduit and gave it three stars! Not too shabby. Copper and Bastian are strong characters who come across well in this story. The secondary characters are also engrossing and well developed.-- Cindy Himler
Should I mention that my RT came today and now I’m looking that too *sigh*? I’m easily amused.
Back to Googling, I did come upon two new to me reviews from Joyfully Reviewed. *bounces up and down*
Blood Lines 2: Conduit: The suspense, sexual tension, and love scenes are well-written and kept my attention from the first page to the last. While getting Crimson back was the backbone of this book, with the front story of Bastian and Copper, Ms. Armstrong, again shows that compassion, humor, understanding and friends have a place in a vampire love story. –Jo Lines 3: Crimson’s Rose: Again in this book Ms. Armstrong brings her balance of humor, heat, sexual tension, suspense and compassion to the characters and makes you cheer for them even as you are not sure what side they are on. While these books stand alone as great paranormal reads, I would recommend that you read them in order if possible, because the previous characters do appear in the continuing books. But if you can’t get them in order, don’t let that stop you reading them. On a personal note, I found that the bonding ritual is simple, yet highly sensual and worth it, if only for the fantastic sex that comes after it is done. With the Bloodline series Ms. Armstrong has introduced us to a new type of vampire and their lives. I sincerely hope that this series is continued and that one of the next books introduces even further to Henry, the mentor who has appeared as the books have progressed. –Jo morning I got up to find out Blood Lines 2: Conduit has gotten five stars and is named a Recommended Read at Fallen Angel Reviews!! I have to say that Mechele Armstrong’s writing is only getting better and she is one author I cannot read enough of.--Tammy
Big thanks to Alyssa, Jo, and Tammy for the kick in the pants motivation!
I’m going back to writing now, things have been moving along well with that. More more more.
May the muses have Google
Magical Chances