Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
A little good news, a little new look
You might notice a little revamping *snickers* to the blog links. I'm tinkering with it still.
I co-write under the name Melany Logen. And we just sold our first book to Ellora's Cave! I'm snoopy dancing and excited. It's a futuristic erotic romance called TORC'S SALVATION. Happy happy joy joy. I won't cross post too much but I can't hold this in! We're working on the next in the series.
I also finally broke through some small writer's block yesterday on CRIMSON'S ROSE. Wrote ten pages and feel good about it. I'm in the home stretch!!! There's really not much to go to write the end. Just have to get there.
May the muses have good news to share.
I co-write under the name Melany Logen. And we just sold our first book to Ellora's Cave! I'm snoopy dancing and excited. It's a futuristic erotic romance called TORC'S SALVATION. Happy happy joy joy. I won't cross post too much but I can't hold this in! We're working on the next in the series.
I also finally broke through some small writer's block yesterday on CRIMSON'S ROSE. Wrote ten pages and feel good about it. I'm in the home stretch!!! There's really not much to go to write the end. Just have to get there.
May the muses have good news to share.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
What color is your Soul?

What Color is Your Soul? {8 results + artsitic pics}
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Soul is Purple - Artist, dreamer, creative. You are lost in your thoughts, and have a dislike of reality (probably finding it boring). You have to remeber that every idea is based off the reality you know. Magic is everyware, you just have to see it. Thinking, and creating things from your mind, are your top priorities (not to mention what your best at). Keep at it, a little imagination can take you far.
Heh heh, I like that. And I figured out how to embed the thing in my blog, yay for me!!
And yes, we did find and watch Ginger Snaps. It was good, not quite as creepy as 2 I didn't think, with a bit more humor. Both are good horror movies.
I have finally passed the impasse in Crimson's Rose I had found myself at! So I am doing some snoopy dancing. LOL and so are my characters because I let them lead me.
May the muses have imagination
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Why do I do it?
The DH rented some movies the other day.
Now he saw this werewolf horror movie, Ginger Snaps, on TV late one night and was intrigued enough to want to rent it. He doesn't usually like horror movies, but this one held his interest. He and I watched some of Ginger Snaps Back, which had the same actresses, but was a historical movie (I don't know, we didn't see the beginning). At the video store, he grabbed the wrong one, Ginger Snaps 2 Unleashed.
We watched it last night while we were waiting for the girls to go down so we could look at all their presents and make sure we had everything we needed.
Now I love horror movies. On Mary Stella's blog I listed movies I could watch over and over. Two of them are horror. I grew up on a steady diet of reading Stephen King.
BUT LOL they give me bad dreams and keep me spooked.
To this day, I leave the closet doors open because of a story I read by Stephen King. My DH hates this. I don't care, I must be sure there is no boogeyman in there.
Ginger Snaps 2 was one creepy flick. Even the DH said so. I spent some of the movie with my hands over my mouth and eyes, body ready to spring off the couch.
I told him when he came to bed, he might want to announce himself. *blinks* He asked about growling. I told him unless he wanted things pitched at him, he probably shouldn't.
May the muses have big sticks after watching scary movies
Now he saw this werewolf horror movie, Ginger Snaps, on TV late one night and was intrigued enough to want to rent it. He doesn't usually like horror movies, but this one held his interest. He and I watched some of Ginger Snaps Back, which had the same actresses, but was a historical movie (I don't know, we didn't see the beginning). At the video store, he grabbed the wrong one, Ginger Snaps 2 Unleashed.
We watched it last night while we were waiting for the girls to go down so we could look at all their presents and make sure we had everything we needed.
Now I love horror movies. On Mary Stella's blog I listed movies I could watch over and over. Two of them are horror. I grew up on a steady diet of reading Stephen King.
BUT LOL they give me bad dreams and keep me spooked.
To this day, I leave the closet doors open because of a story I read by Stephen King. My DH hates this. I don't care, I must be sure there is no boogeyman in there.
Ginger Snaps 2 was one creepy flick. Even the DH said so. I spent some of the movie with my hands over my mouth and eyes, body ready to spring off the couch.
I told him when he came to bed, he might want to announce himself. *blinks* He asked about growling. I told him unless he wanted things pitched at him, he probably shouldn't.
May the muses have big sticks after watching scary movies
Friday, December 16, 2005
Places that live in our memories
I send out Christmas cards every year to old friends, new friends, family and such.
Got one back today from a woman who ran the cornerstone of some of my childhood memories. She and her husband ran a grocery store that my Mom and I went to a lot. I loved to run around there. They had stuff in the back, like old scales and wooden crates. It was an old country store. The ancient hardwood floors creaked. It was cold in the Winter, not air conditioned. Wonderful place to explore as a kid. I loved the old fashioned cash register they used to ring up purchases. Ka ching ka ching, it would say. The smells were always vivid, old wood, meats, herbs.
My Mom always told the story about how when I was toddler her father’s voice would make me cry, but I’d go to the man who ran that store like he was family. Something about his softspoken voice lulled me.
I cried when they closed. The couple retired, tore the store down and gave a neighbor the wood to build his house.
His wife wrote back to my card this year to let me know that he’d passed away in February. They’d been married 58 years, and she misses him everyday.
I didn’t know.
Do you have places like that? That the thought of, immediately takes you back to childhood?
May the muses have country stores
Got one back today from a woman who ran the cornerstone of some of my childhood memories. She and her husband ran a grocery store that my Mom and I went to a lot. I loved to run around there. They had stuff in the back, like old scales and wooden crates. It was an old country store. The ancient hardwood floors creaked. It was cold in the Winter, not air conditioned. Wonderful place to explore as a kid. I loved the old fashioned cash register they used to ring up purchases. Ka ching ka ching, it would say. The smells were always vivid, old wood, meats, herbs.
My Mom always told the story about how when I was toddler her father’s voice would make me cry, but I’d go to the man who ran that store like he was family. Something about his softspoken voice lulled me.
I cried when they closed. The couple retired, tore the store down and gave a neighbor the wood to build his house.
His wife wrote back to my card this year to let me know that he’d passed away in February. They’d been married 58 years, and she misses him everyday.
I didn’t know.
Do you have places like that? That the thought of, immediately takes you back to childhood?
May the muses have country stores
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
All kinds of rambling

So last week sucked. A lot of things caused this, but they have set me behind on things like shopping, wrapping, writing, and *cough* blogging.
But...I do have news to announce that I haven't yet here. Guess what?
Loose Id has contracted Crimson's Rose and *ta da* I have the cover. It's GORGEOUS. Scott Carpenter is the bomb. I'll post it I hope. (Yes, I have at least two more books coming out next year with Loose Id. *snoopy dances like a maniac*).
I can't wait to see Conduit's cover. *G*
I also now have a series name BLOOD LINES. So Blood Kiss is now Blood Lines: Blood Kiss, Conduit will be Blood Lines: Conduit, and Crimson's Rose will be Blood Lines: Crimson's Rose. I'm so excited about having a series!
My Smooch is still up at Ecataromance and up for Favorite Smooch of November. Whoo hooo I have eight votes. LOL I was worried about not getting any so I'm excited. Check it out and vote if you like it. Voting is here:
I got a new review from Enchanted in Romance for Blood Kiss. Angel had this to say, "If you want to read a story that is going to send chills down your spine, then Blood Kiss is for you. Mechele Armstrong definitely included the thrills when she wrote this story of emotion gone awry and madness that needs to be stopped. Nick is definitely a man that knows what he wants, and Sarah really has no chance once he sets his sites on her. I give Blood Kiss two thumbs up for being a story that you can “sink your teeth” into." *grins* the review is posted here:
Fourteen other authors and I have formed a group, called Night Whispers. Lots of news will be coming up with that. It's been a lot of fun already.
And...*cough* expect news of my other writing cowritten alterego soon. I don't usually cross post...but this I'm going to be singing to the rafters!
May the muses have good days to offset the bad
Thursday, December 08, 2005
*tosses a snowball*
We still have snow!
We had such a good time Tuesday. Built a snow wall and a snowman. Had a lot of snowball fights. I took pictures that I hope to share with you soon.
Of course one reason people do get silly about snow here is that it doesn’t usually stick around that long. Normally within a day or so, we go up in the 50’s, and it’s bye-bye snow. It’s weird to drive along and see the snow covered yards and ditches. I wonder how long it will last.
On Monday, I was in Starbucks getting coffee when it just started to stick to the roads. A young woman behind the counter was talking to another employee. She didn’t know how to drive in snow, had never done it before. So he was giving her advice. This is probably another reason we here in the South get a little panicked when it does the white stuff. We don’t see it that often some winters.
LOL once my sister worked with a woman who moved here from Florida. It started snowing and she was worried because she’d never driven in it before. Their boss told her you can go as fast as you want…long as you never have to stop *blinks*.
May the muses have brakes
We had such a good time Tuesday. Built a snow wall and a snowman. Had a lot of snowball fights. I took pictures that I hope to share with you soon.
Of course one reason people do get silly about snow here is that it doesn’t usually stick around that long. Normally within a day or so, we go up in the 50’s, and it’s bye-bye snow. It’s weird to drive along and see the snow covered yards and ditches. I wonder how long it will last.
On Monday, I was in Starbucks getting coffee when it just started to stick to the roads. A young woman behind the counter was talking to another employee. She didn’t know how to drive in snow, had never done it before. So he was giving her advice. This is probably another reason we here in the South get a little panicked when it does the white stuff. We don’t see it that often some winters.
LOL once my sister worked with a woman who moved here from Florida. It started snowing and she was worried because she’d never driven in it before. Their boss told her you can go as fast as you want…long as you never have to stop *blinks*.
May the muses have brakes
Monday, December 05, 2005
Got Snow?
We do!!
Edited to add: We got a bunch. School is out on Tuesday.
LOL and in Central Virginia, we get a little silly about snow. Granted, we don't get it often enough. I laugh because a lot of people in my county drive SUV's, live 10 minutes from the grocery store, yet as soon as snow is called for, will rush to the store and clean them out of bread and milk.
I used to live one county over, West of where the rain/snow line always was. Out there I could understand it because we did get more snow and lived forty minutes from a grocery store. LOL our road didn't even get plowed until a neighbor went to work for the transportation department.
It was an absolute beautiful snow fall, wet and sticking to everything. Very peaceful falling from the sky. We had fun traipsing around in it, building little snowmen and having snow ball fights.
And there's more called for on Thursday.
May the muses have snowballs
Edited to add: We got a bunch. School is out on Tuesday.
LOL and in Central Virginia, we get a little silly about snow. Granted, we don't get it often enough. I laugh because a lot of people in my county drive SUV's, live 10 minutes from the grocery store, yet as soon as snow is called for, will rush to the store and clean them out of bread and milk.
I used to live one county over, West of where the rain/snow line always was. Out there I could understand it because we did get more snow and lived forty minutes from a grocery store. LOL our road didn't even get plowed until a neighbor went to work for the transportation department.
It was an absolute beautiful snow fall, wet and sticking to everything. Very peaceful falling from the sky. We had fun traipsing around in it, building little snowmen and having snow ball fights.
And there's more called for on Thursday.
May the muses have snowballs