Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
I blogged at Night Whisper's blog today about my favorite treat of Halloween, aka what I don't buy to give out because it wouldn't last. Hop on over and leave a comment. about your favorite.
I am officially warden at the sick ward. I'm still not completely well, the dh has it, the youngest has it, and the oldest either has it or has sickness envy.
I did manage to get some writing done. About 3000 words. Was it on what *I* need to be writing for Melany and Mechele? Noooooo. LOL a character commandeered me. But oh what a character she is.
May the muses have Reeses
I am officially warden at the sick ward. I'm still not completely well, the dh has it, the youngest has it, and the oldest either has it or has sickness envy.
I did manage to get some writing done. About 3000 words. Was it on what *I* need to be writing for Melany and Mechele? Noooooo. LOL a character commandeered me. But oh what a character she is.
May the muses have Reeses
Friday, October 27, 2006
New Orleans
I thought I'd post a little bit about my trip to New Orleans and K-Con, a gathering of Sherrilyn Kenyon fans.
On Thursday night as I began getting last minute things together, my throat began to tickle. I alternated between telling it to go away and ignoring it, but I knew what was coming. A cold. To anyone I infected with cooties, *hands a cookie* I am so sorry. I know of a few already.
I didn’t sleep well Thurs night, I was too excited and nervous. Got up early Friday morning and made it to my plane with time to spare. I had almost a three hour layover in Philadelphia. While sitting there, a very nice lady started talking to me. We talked for about an hour and a half. She was from Louisiana, about 30 minutes North of Lake Pontchartrain. She told me a lot about New Orleans and Katrina. Her house was hit by seven trees during the storm. Her husband had to crawl through six blocks of debris to find out if they had a house to come back to.
On the way to the hotel, we passed the Super Dome from the interstate. It was odd, seeing overpasses and thinking this was where people came during the flood after Katrina. I met a couple of K-Con attendees from Washington state.
Made the hotel, found my roomie, Melissa, who's also half of Marissa Alwin and Melany Logen, dropped stuff off and headed for registration. At this point, my voice was starting to sound gravelly too, btw. I’m in line and a quiet voice said, “Tiffany?” I said, “Yes.” She said, “It’s Paula.” OMG I jump hugged her. I’m still so very psyched I got to meet my webmistress! Met her sister, Eija too along with several other people.
Dinner was decided to be a place I think on Decateur, Frank’s. I ordered some gumbo and a po’boy sandwich. Maureen aka Mari kept telling me I need to sample true Cajun fare LOL. Of course, she got her bowl of gumbo and pullled out this big honking CRAB CLAW. Another lady and I just stared, stunned. Needles to say I ate my cup very carefully. I've now since heard that was supposed to happen.
Went back for the K-Con Lords of Avalon mixer. Those who dressed up went up to change. I sat with Maureen and helped sell raffle tickets. They were for prizes, one of which was to get your name as a character in a book. The proceeds would benefit the New Orleans Library. I think the final tally was like $1500, so it went very well.
I did get to meet some friends from online like Jenna Leigh, Melanie Gilbreath, Charissa Ruechel, and Karen Quintiere. I also got to see Mary Stella again.
After the mixer was ending, I walked out and several people were sitting. My throat was incredibly hurting, and my voice was getting rather hoarse. I said I was going upstairs for a few. And Charissa said, “and you’re coming back down right? And hang out with us?” I couldn’t turn that down *grins*. I went and got a drink and came back down to sit. We had a blast talking. We talked about books and covers and writing.
Didn’t sleep all that great, but woke up the next morning about 7ish. LOL Melissa, Eija, and I were the first to get up. Let’s just say Paula wasn’t thrilled with giggles first thing in the morning. *ahem*
Next on the agenda, was a question and answer with Sherri and her editors. Sherri is a wonderful speaker. I love her sense of humor. She talked a lot about her brother. I adored seeing her again. Got my Sherri hug fix until she’ll be at EPIC-Con in the Spring *grins*.
Next was a luncheon where Sherri honored people who do so much on her website.
I will take crossed fingers and good thoughts about an editor meeting I had in New Orleans.
Dinner was Hard Rock Café. OMG it was fun. LOL Jenna’s birthday was recent so they ended up telling the staff who put her up on a chair with an ice cream sundae LOL to sing happy birthday to. Jenna said we had to walk back with her, and she’d pick us off one by one. LOL not me though, cause I’m sweet *Grins*.
After Hard Rock, I cruised back to the hotel and sat talking in the lobby for a long while to some friends.
I went to bed and had the most horrible sleeping night ever. Didn’t go up until after 1:00, kept waking up and woke up for good at 5 AM. I thought about walking to the Mississippi River and watching the sun rise, but didn’t make it out in time. The Sheraton needs an observation deck so you can look out across the city. I did go up to the outdoor pool, but you couldn’t see anything but a parking deck.
We had to meet at 7:30 in the lobby to trek to Brennans for Brunch. We had BANANAS FOSTER, which is bananas flambé. It was yummy.
While we were debating what to do next, I had the neatest thing happen. KatyZ, a Sherri fan I met a while ago, was talking to Melissa who mentioned I had books out. KatyZ asked her “Under what name?” Melissa said, “Mechele Armstrong.” LOL KatyZ had to find me and bless me out for not telling her that Mechele is me. But she’s read my books!!! Isn’t that neat?
We trekked off for the Aquarium. It’s nestled right on the Mississippi River so I got to see that up close and took several pictures. It had a lot of fish. We saw sharks, jellyfish, an albino alligator, a hawk, sea horses, otters, and an owl. Someone has a sense of Halloween spirit because several tanks had Halloween décor in them LOL.
After the Aquarium, we were hungry so we looked for a place to eat. We walked into Jackson Brewery! There’s a scene in “Fantasy Lover” by Sherri that takes place there. All I could think was, “Julian and Grace were here!” That was very cool.
We walked over to Jackson Square after lunch. There were all kinds of tarot and palm readers and people playing music. Maureen took a carriage ride with me. I learned a lot about New Orleans and also about architecture. They use mules instead of horses now for the carriage rides. Mules aren’t as sensitive to the heat and don’t react as nervously to traffic.
After a trip back to the hotel, we headed out for Bourbon Street, laughing a lot along the way. Ate dinner at a restaurant before hitting the bars. I had a Hurricane from Pat O’Brien’s.
And then…lo and behold, I’m walking on the sidewalk toward a bar and familiar chords reach me...my favorite song. I literally RAN into the bar. LOL It was "Pour some Sugar on me." Unfortunately, it was at the end but I got to hear a little. The bar was “The Famous Door,” and the band was “Rock Box.” Rock Box played a lot of covers of 80’s songs. I had the best time listening them. Even though my requests were always songs that they’d already played before *sigh*. We danced, having fun watching people in the bar and the band.
By the time 1 AM rolled around, I was starting to fade. I’d been up since 5 AM and going the whole day so I’m almost at 24 hours of being up. Not to mention I had to pack still. I offered a few times to get a taxi back, but Maureen said no we probably should all head back. We headed back, I packed, was in bed at some point after 2.
Didn’t really sleep all that well again, was up by quarter of seven. I was really feeling lousy, too. I didn’t even want COFFEE. Going to Starbucks was too much effort LOL. Saw Maureen and her hubby, got one last hug as they scooted off in a taxi. I caught the shuttle and made my plane with plenty of time. I fell asleep on both planes home. Usually, I look out the window or read.
So that was my impromptu trip to K-Con. I had a blast, I’m very happy I went.
On Thursday night as I began getting last minute things together, my throat began to tickle. I alternated between telling it to go away and ignoring it, but I knew what was coming. A cold. To anyone I infected with cooties, *hands a cookie* I am so sorry. I know of a few already.
I didn’t sleep well Thurs night, I was too excited and nervous. Got up early Friday morning and made it to my plane with time to spare. I had almost a three hour layover in Philadelphia. While sitting there, a very nice lady started talking to me. We talked for about an hour and a half. She was from Louisiana, about 30 minutes North of Lake Pontchartrain. She told me a lot about New Orleans and Katrina. Her house was hit by seven trees during the storm. Her husband had to crawl through six blocks of debris to find out if they had a house to come back to.
On the way to the hotel, we passed the Super Dome from the interstate. It was odd, seeing overpasses and thinking this was where people came during the flood after Katrina. I met a couple of K-Con attendees from Washington state.
Made the hotel, found my roomie, Melissa, who's also half of Marissa Alwin and Melany Logen, dropped stuff off and headed for registration. At this point, my voice was starting to sound gravelly too, btw. I’m in line and a quiet voice said, “Tiffany?” I said, “Yes.” She said, “It’s Paula.” OMG I jump hugged her. I’m still so very psyched I got to meet my webmistress! Met her sister, Eija too along with several other people.
Dinner was decided to be a place I think on Decateur, Frank’s. I ordered some gumbo and a po’boy sandwich. Maureen aka Mari kept telling me I need to sample true Cajun fare LOL. Of course, she got her bowl of gumbo and pullled out this big honking CRAB CLAW. Another lady and I just stared, stunned. Needles to say I ate my cup very carefully. I've now since heard that was supposed to happen.
Went back for the K-Con Lords of Avalon mixer. Those who dressed up went up to change. I sat with Maureen and helped sell raffle tickets. They were for prizes, one of which was to get your name as a character in a book. The proceeds would benefit the New Orleans Library. I think the final tally was like $1500, so it went very well.
I did get to meet some friends from online like Jenna Leigh, Melanie Gilbreath, Charissa Ruechel, and Karen Quintiere. I also got to see Mary Stella again.
After the mixer was ending, I walked out and several people were sitting. My throat was incredibly hurting, and my voice was getting rather hoarse. I said I was going upstairs for a few. And Charissa said, “and you’re coming back down right? And hang out with us?” I couldn’t turn that down *grins*. I went and got a drink and came back down to sit. We had a blast talking. We talked about books and covers and writing.
Didn’t sleep all that great, but woke up the next morning about 7ish. LOL Melissa, Eija, and I were the first to get up. Let’s just say Paula wasn’t thrilled with giggles first thing in the morning. *ahem*
Next on the agenda, was a question and answer with Sherri and her editors. Sherri is a wonderful speaker. I love her sense of humor. She talked a lot about her brother. I adored seeing her again. Got my Sherri hug fix until she’ll be at EPIC-Con in the Spring *grins*.
Next was a luncheon where Sherri honored people who do so much on her website.
I will take crossed fingers and good thoughts about an editor meeting I had in New Orleans.
Dinner was Hard Rock Café. OMG it was fun. LOL Jenna’s birthday was recent so they ended up telling the staff who put her up on a chair with an ice cream sundae LOL to sing happy birthday to. Jenna said we had to walk back with her, and she’d pick us off one by one. LOL not me though, cause I’m sweet *Grins*.
After Hard Rock, I cruised back to the hotel and sat talking in the lobby for a long while to some friends.
I went to bed and had the most horrible sleeping night ever. Didn’t go up until after 1:00, kept waking up and woke up for good at 5 AM. I thought about walking to the Mississippi River and watching the sun rise, but didn’t make it out in time. The Sheraton needs an observation deck so you can look out across the city. I did go up to the outdoor pool, but you couldn’t see anything but a parking deck.
We had to meet at 7:30 in the lobby to trek to Brennans for Brunch. We had BANANAS FOSTER, which is bananas flambé. It was yummy.
While we were debating what to do next, I had the neatest thing happen. KatyZ, a Sherri fan I met a while ago, was talking to Melissa who mentioned I had books out. KatyZ asked her “Under what name?” Melissa said, “Mechele Armstrong.” LOL KatyZ had to find me and bless me out for not telling her that Mechele is me. But she’s read my books!!! Isn’t that neat?
We trekked off for the Aquarium. It’s nestled right on the Mississippi River so I got to see that up close and took several pictures. It had a lot of fish. We saw sharks, jellyfish, an albino alligator, a hawk, sea horses, otters, and an owl. Someone has a sense of Halloween spirit because several tanks had Halloween décor in them LOL.
After the Aquarium, we were hungry so we looked for a place to eat. We walked into Jackson Brewery! There’s a scene in “Fantasy Lover” by Sherri that takes place there. All I could think was, “Julian and Grace were here!” That was very cool.
We walked over to Jackson Square after lunch. There were all kinds of tarot and palm readers and people playing music. Maureen took a carriage ride with me. I learned a lot about New Orleans and also about architecture. They use mules instead of horses now for the carriage rides. Mules aren’t as sensitive to the heat and don’t react as nervously to traffic.
After a trip back to the hotel, we headed out for Bourbon Street, laughing a lot along the way. Ate dinner at a restaurant before hitting the bars. I had a Hurricane from Pat O’Brien’s.
And then…lo and behold, I’m walking on the sidewalk toward a bar and familiar chords reach me...my favorite song. I literally RAN into the bar. LOL It was "Pour some Sugar on me." Unfortunately, it was at the end but I got to hear a little. The bar was “The Famous Door,” and the band was “Rock Box.” Rock Box played a lot of covers of 80’s songs. I had the best time listening them. Even though my requests were always songs that they’d already played before *sigh*. We danced, having fun watching people in the bar and the band.
By the time 1 AM rolled around, I was starting to fade. I’d been up since 5 AM and going the whole day so I’m almost at 24 hours of being up. Not to mention I had to pack still. I offered a few times to get a taxi back, but Maureen said no we probably should all head back. We headed back, I packed, was in bed at some point after 2.
Didn’t really sleep all that well again, was up by quarter of seven. I was really feeling lousy, too. I didn’t even want COFFEE. Going to Starbucks was too much effort LOL. Saw Maureen and her hubby, got one last hug as they scooted off in a taxi. I caught the shuttle and made my plane with plenty of time. I fell asleep on both planes home. Usually, I look out the window or read.
So that was my impromptu trip to K-Con. I had a blast, I’m very happy I went.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The other author ego has her first release
I cowrite as Melany Logen. And Torc's Salvation, our first release, came out today from Ellora's Cave. Whoo hooooooo! It's a futuristic erotic romance.
May the muses have new releases!
May the muses have new releases!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I'm baaack
I have plenty of stories to share from New Orleans. I had a great time.
I developed a killer cold at the start of my trip, was in danger of losing my voice for most of it. Didn't stop me from having oodles of fun, but I'm dragging butt now that I'm home. Not to mention I didn't sleep so well. So stories later.
I did want to give *muahs* to all the people I met and saw again. Paula and her sister, Eija, Solvara and her hubby, Melissa, Nippsy!, Jenn (I will now see your expressions going along with your emails and hear your voice LOL), Nee, Meme, Kareinne, Mama Lo, Wen, Kay, Sara, Dona, Cee, Tink, Cy, Ange, Liria, Sherri, Janet, Star, Vic, Pantera, Cidney, Merelda, KatyZ (still sucking up *grins*). Did I mention Paula and Eija? *Grins* I got to meet the Finnish Vixen times two!
And special *muahs* to Maureen (aka Mari) and her hubby for going back to Bourbon Street and bar hopping with Melissa and me on Sunday night even though I probably didn't stay out as late as you guys wanted. It was so much fun. Spending time with you again was a boon of my trip.
May the muses laisser le bon roulement de périodes
I developed a killer cold at the start of my trip, was in danger of losing my voice for most of it. Didn't stop me from having oodles of fun, but I'm dragging butt now that I'm home. Not to mention I didn't sleep so well. So stories later.
I did want to give *muahs* to all the people I met and saw again. Paula and her sister, Eija, Solvara and her hubby, Melissa, Nippsy!, Jenn (I will now see your expressions going along with your emails and hear your voice LOL), Nee, Meme, Kareinne, Mama Lo, Wen, Kay, Sara, Dona, Cee, Tink, Cy, Ange, Liria, Sherri, Janet, Star, Vic, Pantera, Cidney, Merelda, KatyZ (still sucking up *grins*). Did I mention Paula and Eija? *Grins* I got to meet the Finnish Vixen times two!
And special *muahs* to Maureen (aka Mari) and her hubby for going back to Bourbon Street and bar hopping with Melissa and me on Sunday night even though I probably didn't stay out as late as you guys wanted. It was so much fun. Spending time with you again was a boon of my trip.
May the muses laisser le bon roulement de périodes
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Yes, Virginia, Mechele is leaving you again
Tomorrow, I head off to New Orleans and K-Con. I'm excited, get to meet oodles of people.
The MMMMM authors will all be together again. Will we leave New Orleans like we found it?
Find out next week...
May the muses have good times
The MMMMM authors will all be together again. Will we leave New Orleans like we found it?
Find out next week...
May the muses have good times
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Whoot Whoot
It's out *snoopy dances*. The Collector 1: Magical Chances released today. I'm so excited about this book. It's a part of a multi-author series, which was exciting to work on. And I LOVE Drake and Chloe.
Chloe is having a terrible day, where everything that can go wrong does, until she’s offered a chance at much-needed money by the Collector. All she has to do is fetch him an artifact. Easy enough, right?
Wrong. The totem is with her ex-husband, who didn’t appreciate a vase tossed at his head during their last fight. They never did anything halfway, sex or fighting.
Drake is a retired magician who can do real magic. But that didn’t help him to keep his wife when she tired of all the secrets he kept about the family legacy.
When Chloe tries to take off with his totem, Drake realizes that of all the stuff he’d amassed, only one thing ever mattered, and he’d lost it.
Striking a deal with Chloe, he agrees to give her his totem in more ways than one if she gives him a weekend to rekindle the current between them.
To read an excerpt: http://www.loose-id.com/MATC1MCex.aspx
Check out a lovely new website done by my very talented webdesigner (who I get to meet this weekend!). http://www.collector-series.com Keep checking back, more will be added as we find out more about the Collector.
May the muses have new releases
Chloe is having a terrible day, where everything that can go wrong does, until she’s offered a chance at much-needed money by the Collector. All she has to do is fetch him an artifact. Easy enough, right?
Wrong. The totem is with her ex-husband, who didn’t appreciate a vase tossed at his head during their last fight. They never did anything halfway, sex or fighting.
Drake is a retired magician who can do real magic. But that didn’t help him to keep his wife when she tired of all the secrets he kept about the family legacy.
When Chloe tries to take off with his totem, Drake realizes that of all the stuff he’d amassed, only one thing ever mattered, and he’d lost it.
Striking a deal with Chloe, he agrees to give her his totem in more ways than one if she gives him a weekend to rekindle the current between them.
To read an excerpt: http://www.loose-id.com/MATC1MCex.aspx
Check out a lovely new website done by my very talented webdesigner (who I get to meet this weekend!). http://www.collector-series.com Keep checking back, more will be added as we find out more about the Collector.
May the muses have new releases
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Another jet plane--really soon
I mentioned that in New York City, Mel and Mari double teamed me about something. We all met through another Sherrilyn Kenyon's loops, and Sherri is having a big conference in New Orleans next weekend. I wasn't going because it was so close to my trip to Jersey.
I came to realize in talking, this was probably the only opportunity I'd have to meet a lot of the people I correspond with online. So I bit the bullet and decided to go.
Yesterday, some sad news came down that a lady I'd talked to through Sherri's loops passed away. I never got to meet her. Something I will always wish that I could have. She was wonderfully supportive of my writing career, a truly nice person, and she made me smile oodles.
I am so glad I'm going to meet all the others who I sometimes talk to daily. I'm going to meet my webmistress face to face for the first time! How very cool is that. Plus, I get to see Mel & Mari again.
And I know that a glass and a toast will be raised to a truly special friend who couldn't be there.
May the muses have fans
I came to realize in talking, this was probably the only opportunity I'd have to meet a lot of the people I correspond with online. So I bit the bullet and decided to go.
Yesterday, some sad news came down that a lady I'd talked to through Sherri's loops passed away. I never got to meet her. Something I will always wish that I could have. She was wonderfully supportive of my writing career, a truly nice person, and she made me smile oodles.
I am so glad I'm going to meet all the others who I sometimes talk to daily. I'm going to meet my webmistress face to face for the first time! How very cool is that. Plus, I get to see Mel & Mari again.
And I know that a glass and a toast will be raised to a truly special friend who couldn't be there.
May the muses have fans
Saturday, October 14, 2006
New York, New York
Sunday morning we woke Mari up at an ungodly hour for her *G* so she could take us into New York City. Did I mention Mari is a night owl? At the conference, we had to get her up to be at breakfast by 7:15!
Because there was so much we wanted to see, we decided that we should take a double decker bus tour. I highly recommend them especially if you don't have much time in New York City. You get to see a lot and the guides know things you won't get from walking around. LOL those of you who are tall, be advised you do have to duck trees if you sit on top. Mel and I both got smacked by a low lying limb. The guide had to duck traffic lights at times.
We cruised to a ferry on the Hudson River. There are cliffs that are almost a sheer drop to the road that runs along the Hudson. The cliffs have houses and hotels and such with a gorgeous view of the New York City skyline. And it is gorgous. I'm amazed at how tall the buildings are.
The ferry took us across, we got in line for a waterwork bus to take us where we could buy the double decker tickets. LOL there's a phone ringing in a little booth. It's doing it when we got there and still ringing when we left.
We hopped on the bus and went through Manhattan. Saw a couple of Trump buildings. We got off the bus near the Museum of Natural History.
Mel & I decided to buy a hot dog from a streetside vendor. We ate a hot dog by Central Park!! How very cool is that. Central Park is 843 acres in case you ever wondered. See! the double decker bus tours are great for information LOL.
We went in the Museum of Natural History. I could have spent days in there looking at everything. We saw the dinosaur bones. When I was a kid, I LOVED anything dinosaurs so I had so much fun. I came home and impressed my kidlets *Grins*. We saw the gigantic blue whale that hangs from the ceilling. My pictures of it didn't come out very well.
I asked Mari, "Is this where Ross from Friends was supposed to work?" We decided "yes." LOL that inspired us to seek out the caveman exhibit because of Ross and Rachel's first time. But alas, it was closed.
We realized, we are never going to see everything we want to see, so we left the Museum. We hopped back on a bus as opposed to walking through Central Park. The bus took us through Harlem and Manhattan. It was so cool. We got to see the Apollo Theater. Saw a lot of the other museums and the Public Library. We reached the end of the line, and hopped on another bus to go a different route.
We saw and walked through Times Square!
Saw Broadway. Saw a lot of theaters where the shows are. I saw the theater that houses RENT. *sigh* which is apparently closing dagnabbit. Saw 5th Aveune and Park Ave and Madison. Saw Madison Square Gardens.
Did you know there is a Starbucks on every corner in New York? *blinks*. Coffee, coffee everywhere, and I didn't have a drop to drink.
We went up to the 86nd floor of the Empire State Building!
The wait wasn't too bad, about an hour to an hour and a half. Got a lot of time in talking while we were in line. Mari and Mel double teamed me about something I'll tell you later, though I'm blaming my webmistress for the ultimate decision I made *Grins*.
The view was incredible. We could see everything. Saw the Statue of Liberty from there.
My brother went to New York City the summer he graduated from high school. He brought back coffee mugs for my parents so he could say he'd been to the top. I now have them. It was neat for me being where he'd been.
Oh and silly me dropped my bus ticket pulling my camera out. Discovered it was gone as we headed inside from the oberservation deck. I went back to walk around and I found it!
It was time to catch the night tour double decker bus. So we traipsed on it. Now, *ahem* none of us brought jackets and the sun was going down. On top of that bus, it was cold. Especially going over one of the bridges into Brooklyn. We saw the Brooklyn Bridge and parts of Brooklyn. Drove through Greenwich and Soho. Drove by Tribeca.
After the tour, we shivered our way to John's Pizzaria for some New York City style pizza. Yummmmmm.
We did some souvenir shopping, including from Hard Rock Cafe. I bought everyone I know "I (heart) New York" shirts. Mel bought some shirts for her kidlets with Mari's help.
Now the last ferry would be pulling out at 12:10. We had to be on it. LOL we figured a taxi ride across the Hudson was beyond our means. So we're walking down Broadway in search of a waterworks bus to take us back to catch the ferry.
The artists and performers were out all along Broadway. They were doing portraits and cariactures. One man was playing drums. Spiderman was a little freaky but I think he was there for photo ops.
It's very crowded, it's after 11 at night and throngs of people were about, which I found neat.
Mari stopped and got a map from a helpful double decker ticket seller. It said the bus will stop at any city bus stop along 49th. So we hiked to 49th and walked. And walked. And walked some more. There were no city bus stops that we saw. We saw one on a side street so we walked over to it. And waited. And waited. And saw a waterworks bus cruise down 49th. Growled and walked back over to the 49th and started hiking again.
We're starting to get a little worried. Time was ticking and the crowds thinned.
Then lo behold, our savior. A waterworks bus. LOL it wasn't even his route. We thanked him up one side and down the other. We actually made the 11:50 ferry back to Mari's car.
And so ends the New York City story.
I've got to back to see Mari and things we didn't see. I really wasn't sure I wanted to see Ground Zero when we were discussing it. But we didn't, and I'm slightly disappointed by it.
We made Mari get up early yet again Monday to go to Newark airport, which is huge by the way. I underestimated the time it would take to travel from Terminal A to Terminal C (you travel by a train around the outside) and the number of people who would be in line checking in. But after a mad dash across the airport, I made my flight.
My plane was early getting back to Richmond. And to my surprise, my family was waiting outside security for me. I was thrilled to see them.
May the muses have fun trips
Because there was so much we wanted to see, we decided that we should take a double decker bus tour. I highly recommend them especially if you don't have much time in New York City. You get to see a lot and the guides know things you won't get from walking around. LOL those of you who are tall, be advised you do have to duck trees if you sit on top. Mel and I both got smacked by a low lying limb. The guide had to duck traffic lights at times.
We cruised to a ferry on the Hudson River. There are cliffs that are almost a sheer drop to the road that runs along the Hudson. The cliffs have houses and hotels and such with a gorgeous view of the New York City skyline. And it is gorgous. I'm amazed at how tall the buildings are.
The ferry took us across, we got in line for a waterwork bus to take us where we could buy the double decker tickets. LOL there's a phone ringing in a little booth. It's doing it when we got there and still ringing when we left.
We hopped on the bus and went through Manhattan. Saw a couple of Trump buildings. We got off the bus near the Museum of Natural History.
Mel & I decided to buy a hot dog from a streetside vendor. We ate a hot dog by Central Park!! How very cool is that. Central Park is 843 acres in case you ever wondered. See! the double decker bus tours are great for information LOL.
We went in the Museum of Natural History. I could have spent days in there looking at everything. We saw the dinosaur bones. When I was a kid, I LOVED anything dinosaurs so I had so much fun. I came home and impressed my kidlets *Grins*. We saw the gigantic blue whale that hangs from the ceilling. My pictures of it didn't come out very well.
I asked Mari, "Is this where Ross from Friends was supposed to work?" We decided "yes." LOL that inspired us to seek out the caveman exhibit because of Ross and Rachel's first time. But alas, it was closed.
We realized, we are never going to see everything we want to see, so we left the Museum. We hopped back on a bus as opposed to walking through Central Park. The bus took us through Harlem and Manhattan. It was so cool. We got to see the Apollo Theater. Saw a lot of the other museums and the Public Library. We reached the end of the line, and hopped on another bus to go a different route.
We saw and walked through Times Square!
Saw Broadway. Saw a lot of theaters where the shows are. I saw the theater that houses RENT. *sigh* which is apparently closing dagnabbit. Saw 5th Aveune and Park Ave and Madison. Saw Madison Square Gardens.
Did you know there is a Starbucks on every corner in New York? *blinks*. Coffee, coffee everywhere, and I didn't have a drop to drink.
We went up to the 86nd floor of the Empire State Building!
The wait wasn't too bad, about an hour to an hour and a half. Got a lot of time in talking while we were in line. Mari and Mel double teamed me about something I'll tell you later, though I'm blaming my webmistress for the ultimate decision I made *Grins*.
The view was incredible. We could see everything. Saw the Statue of Liberty from there.
My brother went to New York City the summer he graduated from high school. He brought back coffee mugs for my parents so he could say he'd been to the top. I now have them. It was neat for me being where he'd been.
Oh and silly me dropped my bus ticket pulling my camera out. Discovered it was gone as we headed inside from the oberservation deck. I went back to walk around and I found it!
It was time to catch the night tour double decker bus. So we traipsed on it. Now, *ahem* none of us brought jackets and the sun was going down. On top of that bus, it was cold. Especially going over one of the bridges into Brooklyn. We saw the Brooklyn Bridge and parts of Brooklyn. Drove through Greenwich and Soho. Drove by Tribeca.
After the tour, we shivered our way to John's Pizzaria for some New York City style pizza. Yummmmmm.
We did some souvenir shopping, including from Hard Rock Cafe. I bought everyone I know "I (heart) New York" shirts. Mel bought some shirts for her kidlets with Mari's help.
Now the last ferry would be pulling out at 12:10. We had to be on it. LOL we figured a taxi ride across the Hudson was beyond our means. So we're walking down Broadway in search of a waterworks bus to take us back to catch the ferry.
The artists and performers were out all along Broadway. They were doing portraits and cariactures. One man was playing drums. Spiderman was a little freaky but I think he was there for photo ops.
It's very crowded, it's after 11 at night and throngs of people were about, which I found neat.
Mari stopped and got a map from a helpful double decker ticket seller. It said the bus will stop at any city bus stop along 49th. So we hiked to 49th and walked. And walked. And walked some more. There were no city bus stops that we saw. We saw one on a side street so we walked over to it. And waited. And waited. And saw a waterworks bus cruise down 49th. Growled and walked back over to the 49th and started hiking again.
We're starting to get a little worried. Time was ticking and the crowds thinned.
Then lo behold, our savior. A waterworks bus. LOL it wasn't even his route. We thanked him up one side and down the other. We actually made the 11:50 ferry back to Mari's car.
And so ends the New York City story.
I've got to back to see Mari and things we didn't see. I really wasn't sure I wanted to see Ground Zero when we were discussing it. But we didn't, and I'm slightly disappointed by it.
We made Mari get up early yet again Monday to go to Newark airport, which is huge by the way. I underestimated the time it would take to travel from Terminal A to Terminal C (you travel by a train around the outside) and the number of people who would be in line checking in. But after a mad dash across the airport, I made my flight.
My plane was early getting back to Richmond. And to my surprise, my family was waiting outside security for me. I was thrilled to see them.
May the muses have fun trips
Friday, October 13, 2006
Dinner and a show
I know I missed posting yesterday. Thursdays are a really busy day for me.
Now…we left the conference on Saturday right after the booksigning. And went to Medieval Times. I'd never been to one. It was awesome!
It looks like a castle from the outside. You go in and are given a crown with the color of the knight you are to cheer for. The seats are like in a auditorium with a shelf in front of you looking down on a dirt arena in the center.
There was a story with knights, jousts, fights, horses doing dancing steps.
They serve the meal while all this is going on. And you eat like it's the Medieval period. No utensils. Had to drink soup from a bowl, and eat chicken, a sparerib, potato, bread, and a pastry with your hands. My children would have loved it! LOL
Our Yellow knight was knocked out early, but it was a lot of fun cheering for other knights
Tomorrow...New York City!
May the muses have knights
Now…we left the conference on Saturday right after the booksigning. And went to Medieval Times. I'd never been to one. It was awesome!
It looks like a castle from the outside. You go in and are given a crown with the color of the knight you are to cheer for. The seats are like in a auditorium with a shelf in front of you looking down on a dirt arena in the center.
There was a story with knights, jousts, fights, horses doing dancing steps.
They serve the meal while all this is going on. And you eat like it's the Medieval period. No utensils. Had to drink soup from a bowl, and eat chicken, a sparerib, potato, bread, and a pastry with your hands. My children would have loved it! LOL
Our Yellow knight was knocked out early, but it was a lot of fun cheering for other knights
Tomorrow...New York City!
May the muses have knights
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The New Jersey conference
I woke up Friday morning to pouring rain. Those of you who remember my travels to last year's conference probably know what I was thinking. "Thank God, I'm not driving." (I drove in monsoons and got very lost last year.)
Plane ride was very uneventful and so was getting to the hotel. Got to ride through Newark over to the Sheraton in Iselin.
Walked in to immediately find Mel (of Melany Logen & Melissa Lopez & Marissa Alwin) and Mari (of Marissa Alwin), which was good as they were my roomies!
I went to several workshops. Of then, Bob Mayer's was probably my favorite. His was on plotting. He has a dry sense of humor, is a major plotter working with a pantser. He was rather inspiring.
Jenny Crusie and Bob Mayer were the keynote speakers at breakfast. Again, they were wonderful. Inspiring and funny.
LOL ever been tempted to use the hotel TV for internet? Be forewarned. It only works with the keyboard right in front of the TV. And scrolling down takes...a...long...time. I laughed a lot with Mel and Mari all weekend.
On Saturday, there was a booksigning that I attended with CD's of my books for sale and to be signed. I had so much fun! If you stopped by to say "Hi!" thank you so much. I was the happy author and had fun talking to anyone who stopped by.
See my name? It was all official. I got to sit behind the table!

Tomorrow I'll post on dinner Sat night and New York City.
May the muses have name cards
Plane ride was very uneventful and so was getting to the hotel. Got to ride through Newark over to the Sheraton in Iselin.
Walked in to immediately find Mel (of Melany Logen & Melissa Lopez & Marissa Alwin) and Mari (of Marissa Alwin), which was good as they were my roomies!
I went to several workshops. Of then, Bob Mayer's was probably my favorite. His was on plotting. He has a dry sense of humor, is a major plotter working with a pantser. He was rather inspiring.
Jenny Crusie and Bob Mayer were the keynote speakers at breakfast. Again, they were wonderful. Inspiring and funny.
LOL ever been tempted to use the hotel TV for internet? Be forewarned. It only works with the keyboard right in front of the TV. And scrolling down takes...a...long...time. I laughed a lot with Mel and Mari all weekend.
On Saturday, there was a booksigning that I attended with CD's of my books for sale and to be signed. I had so much fun! If you stopped by to say "Hi!" thank you so much. I was the happy author and had fun talking to anyone who stopped by.
See my name? It was all official. I got to sit behind the table!

Tomorrow I'll post on dinner Sat night and New York City.
May the muses have name cards
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I do live
if there were any doubts.
I had a blast at the conference, the booksigning, and NYC. Maureen was a super host and I had fun with both her and Melissa.
I'll post on it all week sharing some stories. LOL some I won't share *Grins*.
When we were driving home yesterday from the airport, we could see Richmond's downtown. The DH looked at me and said, "They look like babies now, don't they?" LOL they really did. I'm just in awe of the huge skyscrapers in Manhattan and around New York City.

I do have to share. Right before I left, I found out...Dinah's Dark Desire was selected as a Recommended Read by Fallen Angel Reviews! Michelle (gotta love that name) said, "The relationship dynamics are fantastic here, the sensual scenes are ooh-la-la amazing, and the addition of two of the trio’s exes (and a splash of danger) to the mix just added another mantle of plot to this tale. I’ve also got this inexplicable and incredibly wicked craving for some chocolate-covered strawberries – to understand why, read Dinah’s Dark Desire! Five Angels and a Recommended Read!" http://www.fallenangelreviews.com/2006/September/Michelle-DinahsDarkDesire.htm
May the muses have good times to share
I had a blast at the conference, the booksigning, and NYC. Maureen was a super host and I had fun with both her and Melissa.
I'll post on it all week sharing some stories. LOL some I won't share *Grins*.
When we were driving home yesterday from the airport, we could see Richmond's downtown. The DH looked at me and said, "They look like babies now, don't they?" LOL they really did. I'm just in awe of the huge skyscrapers in Manhattan and around New York City.

I do have to share. Right before I left, I found out...Dinah's Dark Desire was selected as a Recommended Read by Fallen Angel Reviews! Michelle (gotta love that name) said, "The relationship dynamics are fantastic here, the sensual scenes are ooh-la-la amazing, and the addition of two of the trio’s exes (and a splash of danger) to the mix just added another mantle of plot to this tale. I’ve also got this inexplicable and incredibly wicked craving for some chocolate-covered strawberries – to understand why, read Dinah’s Dark Desire! Five Angels and a Recommended Read!" http://www.fallenangelreviews.com/2006/September/Michelle-DinahsDarkDesire.htm
May the muses have good times to share
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Leaving on a jet plane
Tomorrow, I leave for the NJ "Put Your Heart in a Book" Conference. I'm so excited.
If you happen to be around Iselin New Jersey on Saturday from 4-6, come to the Woodbridge Sheraton's booksigning. I'll be there signing CD's of my books! I'll also be giving away a chance to win a CD of The Collector 1: Magical Chances and ba ba bum, Torc's Salvation when they are released.
On Sunday, I'm going to go exploring in New York City. Is the big apple ready for Mechele, Melissa, and Maureen? LOL I'll let you know when I get back.
Have a great weekend!
May the muses have conferences
If you happen to be around Iselin New Jersey on Saturday from 4-6, come to the Woodbridge Sheraton's booksigning. I'll be there signing CD's of my books! I'll also be giving away a chance to win a CD of The Collector 1: Magical Chances and ba ba bum, Torc's Salvation when they are released.
On Sunday, I'm going to go exploring in New York City. Is the big apple ready for Mechele, Melissa, and Maureen? LOL I'll let you know when I get back.
Have a great weekend!
May the muses have conferences
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A Halloween special
The talented Kate Hill has added some pages in honor of Halloween, featuring some authors, including yours truly. Check it out: http://www.kate-hill.com/halloween/halloween2006.html
I can't wait for "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"!!
May the muses have halloween specials,
I can't wait for "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"!!
May the muses have halloween specials,