Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Smooch me baby

I have a smooch of the day over at Ecataromance.

Voting for your Favorite November Smooch begins today and goes until December 15th. If you like my Smooch (or rather Nick and Sarah's Smooch *grins*) please go over to the Forums and vote for it.
(Question of the Week and Voting Booth in Forums)

May the muses have Smooches

Red Alert

Or actually Comic Alert. I have found the neastest thing!

I love the comics. Always have.

"For Better or For Worse" has been an addiction since I was a preteen. Up until a few years ago, I went and bought every collection when it came out. I have one signed by Lynn Johnston. I also have a signed print of one of my favorite strips of hers that I framed and it hangs in my kitchen.

"Baby Blues," "Fox Trot," "Calvin and Hobbes," and "The Far Side" all have collections on my book shelves.

When my second child was born, she was a bit needy and as I tried to launch my writing career, the newspaper fell by the wayside in the priority list. I didn't feel right getting the newspaper for the comics so I stopped it. I've never started it back because I would still only read the comics LOL.

I knew they had strips online, but never went and looked at them each and every day.

So I was checking out "For Better or For Worse" recently...they had an RSS feed!! I have an RSS reader that downloads new blog entries. So now I get FBOFW delivered to it daily.

And in searching for other strips with RSS feeds, I found this site:

Ha ha! I now get my favorite strips delivered to my RSS reader daily so can check them out. I'm so happy and excited!! LOL I need to go get the FBOFW strips that I missed during my hiatus of reading it.

May the muses have rainbow days

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I wanna talk about me

Flesa Black has an interview up at her blog with yours truly in her Winter Bulletin. We had a lot of fun doing it. She has a lot of neat stuff in the newsletter.

I’ll be interviewing her in December’s Crayon Chronicles, which I’m excited about. Her first novel, Fortress, (which I mentioned here) was just released with Loose Id and it’s very good. One I’m putting in my keeper library.

May the muses have questions

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope you have a wonderful day whether you're celebrating or not, filled with fun, family, friends, and food!

May the muses have toast

Monday, November 21, 2005

Gobble Gobble

Who's ready for turkey? *waves hand wildly* I am, I am. And heh heh it's not at my house this year so all I have to do is make green bean casserole.

I made toast the other day, and it reminded me of Thanksgiving. My mother made homemade dressing so she always fixed toast Thanksgiving morning. The house would smell of toast and turkey cooking in the oven. I loved to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Then I'd help Mom with some things, I especially liked to make deviled eggs.

What traditions do you especially remember or keep for Thanksgiving? The Macy's is one of mine. LOL I also love to watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

Going to have a couple of things to announce soon that I'm very thankful for. *G*

May the muses have popcorn

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A week away from Turkey Day

I'm no longer a soccer Mom. The season is over. The six year old's team was undefeated! Those little girls rocked. Had a lot of fun watching her play.

I went to read at the four year old's school on Monday. One book I read was "How I became a Pirate." Thought it was appropriate after digging for treasure last week. I used my pirate voice. *blinks* the teachers complimented me. Even though I couldn't find treasure...I must at least sound like a pirate.

I'm working on the new vampire. It's been a little slower going than I would like. But I'm over 115 pages in. Heh heh, Rojo is a joy to write. Crimson's different and I think that's what's made it more challenging to write her.

On Saturday a few fellow Loose Id authors are going to be playing on the Loose Id Community Loop. I will probably join in for a little bit. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun so pop in and say hi if you get a chance.

May the muses have soccer balls

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A fine Fortress

Today, Flesa Black's Fortress released from Loose Id. I had the priviledge of reading it for an advanced reader quote (hee hee which they used. Yes, that still makes me giddy).

And it is one great read. I started it late, it kept me reading until the toothpicks fell out from under my eyelids. Couldn't find time the next day to read it, then sat up way too late reading it the next night after everyone went to bed. It's steamy, the story and plot will keep you intrigued as to how it will resolve. It's a book going in my keeper place.

Her cover rocks too *nods*.

And *coughs* I've been lucky enough to get a small preview to critique of her next book, and one that's not related to that series, but that she's working on. Keep your eyes on Flesa for new reads. They are well worth it.

May the muses have toothpicks for the eyelids

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Digging for Treasure

Or in this case one Strawberry Shortcake watch.

I pick up youngest kidlet from preschool yesterday. Halfway to get the oldest, she announces, "I don't have my watch."

I ask a few questions, ending on, "Do you know where you took it off?"


I say, "Where?"

"I buried it in the sandbox."

Much wailing ensues over said watch.

We rush back to preschool. The sandbox is BIG. Especially when looking for something sort of small. She had no clue where she buried it. *sigh* so we didn't find it.

I guess I can look on the bright side. The kidlet won't make a good pirate.

May the muses have shovels

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


So I've gotten Just Erotic Romance Reviews Newsletter for a long time now. I peruse the features and the reviews, enjoying each time it comes out.

I received a promo for their November 6th issue. I'm scrolling down, ah, a special on Phaze, Phaze authors, reviews...Blood Kiss by Mechele Armstrong. *blink* I literally did a "JERR is going to review me?!!" accompanied by a very large "Eeeeep."

Needless to say nervousness ensued. A lot of it. Sunday morning I kept checking email to see if the newsletter was out yet. Something happened that took my mind off of it...until it arrived.

My heart went into my throat as I opened it and scrolled past everything else.

JERR gave it five stars!!

LOL I went running through the house to the DH to tell him. It's now become a joke, he asks "so did you hear about that review you were so nervous about?" LOL or I tell him, "JERR gave me five stars, have I mentioned this?"

Kirra Pierce had this to say, "From the chilling beginning in the mind of a villain to the dramatic climax this was a well-plotted suspenseful tale of love and murder." And this, "The resolution of Nick and Sarah’s feelings for one another was also nicely done and felt more real than many romance set-ups. The tingle of suspense throughout the story and the love of two like souls make a terrific read in the dark of the night."

I'm soooo beyond even thrilled. Ecstatic. There's a good word. I'm so happy that people are enjoying the read of Blood Kiss.

May the muses have good books

Thursday, November 03, 2005

So who all is recovering

from post Halloween candy? Uggh. We went to a bunch of houses and got a boatload of candy.

If you are still looking for Halloween fun check out Romance Junkies Halloween Newsletter:

*cough cough* there happens to be an article in it by yours truly. There's a lot of other fun stuff to look around at and some contests going on too.

The article I wrote is on vampires...LOL yeah, I know, surprise surprise. When I first started writing Blood Kiss I decided I needed to know the legends. I had to know the rules and that of course led to me breaking them *wicked grin*. Had a lot of fun writing the article and was so excited that Romance Junkies chose to include it.

May the muses have garlic (maybe bad breath could work)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm bursting at the seams

On Saturday I received a note that Fallen Angel Reviews had reviewed Blood Kiss. With nervous anticipation (it's only second review of my first book) I clicked the link. And promptly let out a shout.

Five angels and a Recommended Read!!!

I'm soooooo excited.

Here's what Tammy had to say:

"Readers will be drawn in and enthralled by the incredible mix of sensuality and darkness that fills the pages and makes your heart skip a beat. Mechele Armstrong has created a fantastic story that is hot, sultry, and fun to read. I am looking forward to reading any of her future stories."

Did I mention it got five angels and is a Recommended Read??! LOL my family got tired of me going, "Guess what? I'm a recommended read!"

I'm still snoopy dancing. And so thrilled to be in the company, that really blows me away. Plus knowing that someone got my book. That they loved it and really got into it.

I've had a few people let me know they've read and that they liked it. I get all bouncy every time. I think I always will.

May the muses have needles (to fix the bursted seams)